Planning a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy

The second pregnancy is not associated with such psychological problems as uncertainty about one’s reproductive ability, fears, lack of experience, but it can also cause a special state of instability when the question is how quickly one can have a second child if the first pregnancy was terminated naturally or operationally.

The fact is that a woman’s body requires a certain period to fully recover after the first birth. And this usually takes 1.5–2 years. During this time, the endometrium is restored - the inner mucous membrane of the uterus, the hormonal balance disrupted by the first pregnancy, childbirth and feeding. Therefore, it is better to postpone pregnancy planning after pregnancy until the specified period. At this time it is better to use contraception.

Recovery after abortion: preservation of reproductive functions

Unfortunately, today complications after a poorly performed abortion are not uncommon. Many clinics neglect basic hygiene standards. Often even the qualifications of doctors leave much to be desired. Many women come to us who find themselves in a similar situation.

Our clinic pays special attention to such patients - preserving reproductive functions and further health. A professional approach, high-quality equipment and many years of experience of our doctors make the recovery course the most effective.

Symptoms of complications

If you have any symptoms of complications, do not hesitate for a minute and be sure to visit a gynecologist.

  • Inflammation and high temperature;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • disturbance of the menstrual cycle;
  • mastopathy and development of ovarian cysts.

Restoration of the uterus after abortion

This period of time depends on the selected interrupt method. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations.

The shortest recovery period is observed in women after a vacuum abortion. If this operation is performed in the early stages, the body receives the least damage. The entire procedure lasts less than 10 minutes and is under ultrasound guidance.

The second longest method is medication. Taking pills leads to inevitable hormonal imbalance, which in turn affects all the main functions of the body. Subsequent analyzes in this case are strictly required. The doctor will accurately identify the list of complications and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

The longest period of uterine recovery is observed after surgical abortion. As a rule, to avoid inflammatory processes, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed. Antispasmodics will help relieve pain symptoms. Also, after instrumental curettage, it is possible to prescribe herbal medicine - all at the discretion of the doctor.

After two weeks, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound to check for the presence of residues. Some patients need repeated curettage; this will be decided during the examination.

How long after a missed miscarriage can a second pregnancy be planned?

Almost all young couples ask this question. However, there is no definite answer and cannot be - it all depends on the general state of health, the presence or absence of infections and diseases that require treatment, the individual characteristics of the body, the immune system and hormonal health.

Usually, in the absence of complications, you can calculate the day of ovulation and plan a pregnancy after a frozen pregnancy within 3-6 months. This time is enough for hormonal levels to be restored and the body to prepare for another pregnancy.

However, these terms are very arbitrary; every woman should see a doctor who will decide when to plan the birth of a child after a missed abortion.

Usually during this period, doctors prescribe medications that prepare the body for a new pregnancy.

In addition, after 3 months after a frozen pregnancy, you should start taking folic acid, which is extremely important for restoring the normal state of the uterus.

Often, after the first unsuccessful pregnancy, women are prescribed oral contraceptives, discontinuation of which in itself is a powerful stimulus for conception. In addition, taking oral contraceptives will help you avoid unplanned conception and recover from a missed pregnancy.

How long does it take to recover after an abortion?

The rules for recovery after all types of abortion are the same. By following them, you will significantly reduce the risks of complications and reduce the rehabilitation period.

The vitality and resources of each female body are different, so we recommend getting tested. Afterwards, our doctors will explain to you exactly what you can and cannot do and approximately how long your rehabilitation after an abortion will last.

  • You need to give up sexual activity: with vacuum aspiration for 3 weeks;
  • during surgical curettage, sex is prohibited until the cycle is completely restored;
  • it is advisable to observe a fasting regimen in the first few days;
  • try to eliminate stressful situations;
  • physical activity is unacceptable, as even slight muscle tension can cause bleeding;
  • Do not take baths - consult a doctor.

What not to do after mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a real miracle of modern cosmetology. The procedure is used to treat and prevent age-related changes and normalize hair growth. Mesotherapy can restore youth to the skin, get rid of unaesthetic defects, and reveal the potential of the skin inherent in nature. But in order to fully enjoy the results of the procedure and not cause complications, you need to know what not to do after mesotherapy.

Mesotherapy involves the correction of age-related changes by introducing under the skin cocktails of active substances - hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, acids, phospholipids. Almost all of them are present in creams and serums, but are not able to penetrate the skin as deeply as with mesotherapy. The procedure allows you to deliver nutritional components to all areas of the skin where they are lacking. On average, a course of mesotherapy ranges from 5 to 10 injections. Mesotherapy:

  • removes scars and scars
  • eliminates spider veins
  • fights acne and post-acne
  • restores skin elasticity and tone
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • evens out the relief and complexion, etc.

And although mesotherapy is a safe procedure, injection manipulations are still third-party interference in the natural processes of the body. To avoid negative consequences, you should know what you can’t do after mesotherapy and for how long.

How long does the effect of mesotherapy last?

Mesotherapy is a procedure with a cumulative effect. But the results of the injection are visible almost immediately. For example, if the procedure is performed in the morning, then by the evening changes are visible - the skin becomes fresher and more rested, elastic and radiant. A full course of mesotherapy will help get rid of significant skin defects. The basic course often consists of 5 procedures, carried out once a week. The procedure must be repeated regularly. And if you adhere to the right lifestyle and use home care products selected by a cosmetologist, the effect of mesotherapy will last up to 1.5 years.

How does mesotherapy affect hair?

Mesotherapy is an effective way to stop hair loss. Injections of nutrients will help get rid of excessive dryness or oiliness of the scalp. A cocktail of vitamins and amino acids directly affects the hair follicle. That is why mesotherapy is a powerful tool for influencing hair growth. Mesotherapy for hair can:

  • eliminate hair loss
  • activate hair growth, awaken new follicles
  • improve vascular tone of the head
  • strengthen follicles
  • normalize scalp nutrition
  • eliminate brittleness and dullness of hair
  • remove signs of seborrhea
  • improve hair structure along the entire length
  • prevent early gray hair
  • increase hair thickness

What should not be done after hair mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is also effective against hair diseases. A cocktail of vitamins and amino acids has a targeted effect - it stimulates hair growth, improves its structure, eliminates hair loss, etc.

But for the procedure to be truly effective, you need to carefully prepare for it. For a few days, it is recommended to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting. 2-3 days before the procedure you should not drink alcohol. Preparation includes avoiding active sports, visiting bathhouses and saunas a couple of days before the procedure.

What not to do after hair mesotherapy:

  • Carry out staining within a week - you need to wait until all injection sites have healed.
  • Do not wash your hair on the day of the procedure
  • stay in direct sun for several days
  • visit the swimming pool and sauna
  • drink alcoholic beverages

What should not be done before mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a procedure that does not require specific preparation. But, as with any injection manipulation, there are restrictions on what cannot be done before and after mesotherapy:

  • Drink alcoholic beverages (2-3 days before)
  • Be in direct sunlight (3-5 days)
  • Take blood thinning medications (2 days before)
  • Drink coffee and energy drinks (2-3 hours before)

Why is mesotherapy dangerous?

Mesotherapy is a safe procedure. For injections, only certified drugs approved by the Ministry of Health are used. But, like any injection procedure, mesotherapy causes skin reactions that quickly pass. Minor bruising and swelling after the procedure are a normal reaction of the body to injections. The administration of drugs may cause minor pain and redness at the injection sites.

Within a few days after mesotherapy, the following effects are possible:

  • Erythema. Local redness of the skin, which disappears 14 days after the procedure. This condition is not dangerous to health and is purely a cosmetic defect.
  • Microtraumas. Minor swelling may occur at the injection sites, which should not be masked with decorative cosmetics.

To avoid negative consequences, you should know that after facial mesotherapy you cannot:

  • Use decorative cosmetics. It clogs pores, provokes inflammation and allergies. After mesotherapy, in the first days you should refrain from using new cosmetics so as not to provoke allergic reactions.
  • Touch your face with your hands immediately after the procedure. The skin after the procedure is sensitive and vulnerable. Bacteria can penetrate the pores of the skin through your fingers, causing serious dermatological problems.
  • Wash your face during the first 6-7 hours. Washing can cause inflammation and irritation. It is better to wash your face in the evening using filtered water without gels or foams.
  • Take blood thinners. They can increase swelling.

Do not forget about contraindications to mesotherapy:

  • vascular diseases
  • skin diseases
  • chronic inflammation
  • oncology
  • bleeding disorder

You should inform your cosmetologist in advance about existing pathologies.

Is it possible to do facial cleansing after mesotherapy?

Care after mesotherapy is the most important part of skin rejuvenation. The list of “what not to do after mesotherapy” does not include facial cleansing. On the contrary, this procedure is actively carried out after mesotherapy. Injections of hyaluronic acid and vitamins are usually performed after chemical and mechanical peels or as preparation for these procedures.

But it is important to correctly observe the intervals between mesotherapy and cleansing, and the sequence of procedures. The interval depends on the depth of peeling and the individual characteristics of the patient.

According to the rules, facial cleansing is carried out first (1-2 weeks in advance), and only then rejuvenation procedures are performed. After cleansing and peeling, the skin's metabolic processes and ability to regenerate are normalized. Such prepared skin is best suited for mesotherapy. But it is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to carry out cleaning and peeling during the period until the injection sites have healed.

How many days should you not drink alcohol after mesotherapy?

Alcohol is an undesirable component of any diet. But in particular it is prohibited after mesotherapy. Why can’t you drink after mesotherapy?

Various vitamins and hyaluronic acid are injected into the deep layers of the skin by injection. All these substances do not combine well with vasodilating drinks. And the effects of alcohol on the skin with regular use are especially adverse:

  • Alcohol causes dehydration. And first of all, the subcutaneous tissue loses moisture - the skin becomes dry and lifeless.
  • Alcohol destroys vitamins C and E, which are responsible for collagen synthesis and skin elasticity.
  • Alcohol causes swelling, reduces skin tone, and leads to sagging contours.

Not only should you not drink alcohol after mesotherapy, but also before it. When preparing for the procedure, you need to know not only how much you should not drink after mesotherapy, but also how many days to give up alcohol before the procedure. Before mesotherapy, it is better not to drink alcohol for a week, or even a month.

Excessive alcohol consumption before the procedure can cause:

  • Traumatic effect. After the procedure, alcohol will cause swelling and redness at the injection sites, which will last for about 3 days. Under the influence of alcoholic drinks, skin reactions become more profound.
  • Dilated vessels. The meso cocktail will not concentrate in a certain zone, its concentration will decrease.

After mesotherapy, you should not drink alcohol for several more weeks. If mesotherapy is carried out as a course, it is recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages for the entire period of treatment. Only in this case can you count on visible skin rejuvenation.

Is it possible to smoke after mesotherapy?

After mesotherapy, you should not only drink alcohol, but also smoke. Why? The answer is on the surface. Skin restoration does not occur autonomously, but depends on the general condition of the person. The body needs time to recover after mesotherapy. Smoking, on the contrary, slows down the regeneration processes of the skin.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after mesotherapy?

After the procedure, any heating of the skin is contraindicated. Therefore, after mesotherapy you cannot go to the sauna, bathhouse, or even take a hot shower. You should refrain from eating hot and spicy foods.

Why can’t you go to the bathhouse after mesotherapy? When the skin is heated, hyaluronic acid, microelements and vitamins are removed from it. The procedure loses its effectiveness. All warming procedures will make mesotherapy useless - the components of the injections will not have time to act and are quickly eliminated from the body. Intense sweating, which cannot be protected from in a bathhouse, provokes the development of inflammatory foci.

How many days after mesotherapy can you not go to the bathhouse? For at least 2-3 days.

Can I have a massage after mesotherapy?

After mesotherapy, massages, friction, and contact with other surfaces are prohibited - they interfere with the absorption of the nutritional components of the mesococktail. After the procedure, it is not recommended to sleep with your face in a pillow, or to rub your face vigorously with a towel or hands. Even light touches can trigger inflammatory reactions.

Massage should be avoided until the skin is completely restored. It is recommended to do the massage at least 3 days after the mesotherapy, when all the components have time to penetrate the skin cells.

Is it possible to sunbathe after mesotherapy?

After fractional mesotherapy, you should not sunbathe or visit a solarium. Any increase in temperature stimulates the formation of melanin, which negatively affects the condition of the epidermis after mesotherapy - dryness occurs, inflammatory processes start in the deep layers of the dermis, pigment spots form, and redness increases.

Is it possible to play sports after mesotherapy?

After mesotherapy you cannot play sports. And there are three reasons for this:

  • Heavy sweat formation. Stimulates the appearance of inflammatory foci.
  • Increased body temperature. It disrupts regeneration and enhances the release of meso-cocktail through the pores.
  • Intense blood circulation. Slows down the outflow of fluid, which causes swelling and redness. As a result, the components of the cocktail are absorbed worse.

How long after mesotherapy you can’t play sports is calculated individually. But, as a rule, the restriction lasts about a week.

Care and hygiene after an abortion - what you need to do to recover

To minimize the risk of inflammation and improve immunity, a woman needs to follow simple rules.

  • avoid drafts, which will inevitably lead to a cold;
  • wash your labia several times a day;
  • shower carefully;
  • you cannot swim in ponds or pools;
  • eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • if necessary, the doctor prescribes a complex of vitamins and antioxidants;
  • dress warmly;
  • It is prohibited to use tampons;
  • It is necessary to exclude alcohol and drinks containing it in any form, since alcohol and antibiotics are incompatible - this can cause heavy bleeding.

Prevention of complications after abortion - how to avoid another unplanned pregnancy

The first thing you need to know is that it is easy to conceive again during the recovery period. But, until the body is stronger, this should not be done, as serious complications may develop.

For the purpose of prevention after an abortion, for a certain period, the gynecologist prescribes the use of hormonal contraceptives that are suitable for you. They help normalize hormonal balance and, in general, you will recover faster.

Taking birth control pills is necessary in order to avoid unplanned pregnancy again. Moreover, during the treatment period, they have the following positive aspects.

  • Allows you to reduce the intensity of discharge;
  • help block the spread of infections;
  • reduce the activity of uterine contractions, which leads to a decrease in pain;
  • make the uterine mucosa impassable for sperm;
  • helps prevent the development of ovarian cysts and mastopathy;
  • prevent possible irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, body temperature has increased, or spotting has begun, consult a doctor as soon as possible. Our specialists will advise and definitely help you in treating the consequences at an affordable price.

Psychological recovery after abortion surgery is also an important aspect of a woman’s health. Adequate rest and sleep and avoidance of stress play an important role. There are times when a patient needs the help and support of a psychologist.

Consequences of a frozen pregnancy

Fetal development can stop in a completely healthy woman. And only if this situation repeats, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause. To do this, you will have to undergo an examination and pass the following types of tests:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • hormonal tests for thyroid hormones, testosterone, progesterone, prolactin and others;
  • flora smear;
  • for infectious diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea and others;
  • tests for TORCH infections.

And also undergo an ultrasound of the uterus and its appendages.

Only after a complete examination can the correct treatment be prescribed, during which planning for pregnancy after a missed abortion should be postponed.

It often takes time for a woman’s body to recover after curettage in order to remove the dead embryo and completely restore the inner layer of the uterine mucosa (endometrium).

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