Caries in the spot stage
Deep caries: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Dentists recommend undergoing preventive examinations at least once a year and if caries is detected
X-ray or MRI of the spine – which is better?
Which is better: MRI or CT scan of the spine, X-ray, ultrasound?
Most often, a doctor sends patients for an MRI when it is necessary to find out detailed information for diagnosis.
Computed tomography of the lungs
Multislice computed tomography (MSCT)
Indications for CT scan of the lungs Computed tomography is a universal diagnostic method that allows
MSCT angiography
Possibilities of MSCT in choosing a treatment method for urolithiasis
Computed tomography of the adrenal glands is performed by scanning tissues and organs with X-rays. During
Which MRI should I do for headaches?
Dizziness: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Home > Directory > Which MRI to do for headaches? Do you suffer from frequent
Myelography and its differences from MRI of three parts of the spine
How to perform an MRI of the lumbosacral spine
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a radiation research method. It is based on the capture of radiation, which
Headache - main diagnostic methods and advantages of MRI
When should you get an MRI for headaches? Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is one of the modern
Septoplasty - correcting a deviated nasal septum
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. Deviated nasal septum: how it occurs Causes Symptoms Types
Treatment of a rib fracture
Monitoring a patient with a rib fracture over a long period of time
A rib fracture is a violation of the anatomical integrity of bone tissue as a result of a blow to the area
Digital fluorography: advantages of modern examination
Fluorography (one projection) is a screening (mass) method for diagnosing primary pathologies of the chest organs, and
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