MRI of the cervical spine
Why MRI is more effective in detecting spinal problems
MRI of the spine in the cervical region, assessment of disc height (indicated by red lines) Among all diseases
MR imaging (MRI) and X-ray computed tomography (CT)
A method such as magnetic resonance imaging has long been widely used in medicine. Thanks to,
structure of the mammary gland
Digital mammography: indications, preparation and examination
“The results of an ultrasound of the mammary glands revealed a formation suspicious for oncology”, “the results of mammography do not clearly indicate
What does an ultrasound scan of the spine provide?
The appointment is conducted by: Svetlana Valerievna Nosova – Ultrasound diagnostics doctor Make an appointment Ultrasound examination
Frequency of fluorography in adults and children: how often can it be done
Advantages and disadvantages of fluorography Every adult undergoes examination using this method at least once
Computed tomography with contrast: harm and contraindications of CT
Computed tomography with contrast CT with contrast involves examining the patient’s body using minimal
Computed tomography of the lumbosacral region
Computed tomography of the spine is a modern method of layer-by-layer scanning of segments of the spinal column with subsequent
MRI image quality
Types of CT machines: open and closed - which is better
Computed tomography is a non-invasive form of examination that provides layer-by-layer diagnostics of the internal parts of the body of the subject
Photo 2
FGDS and stomach x-ray: which is better and which method will help diagnose the disease?
What it is? X-ray of the stomach is an instrumental technique for studying the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which can
CT scan of the sinuses: goals and features of implementation
Computed tomography of the maxillary sinuses is a detailed examination of this area using x-rays.
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