MR angiography - indications and contraindications for the procedure
Determination of abnormal processes occurring in the internal region of the cranium is possible in several ways. The best
X-ray of the esophagus with barium: what does it show and how to do it?
What is barium used for? X-ray examination of the esophagus with a contrast agent is indicative and highly informative
The process of performing an abdominal x-ray
X-ray of the abdominal cavity: indications, preparation and implementation
Duration 15 minutes The duration of the study itself is from 1 to 10 minutes. After that
Symptoms of lung cancer
MRI of the lungs and bronchi: general characteristics and indications for the procedure
MRI of the lungs is one of the most informative and safe procedures that allows you to get a clear
What is a treadmill test and why is it needed?
Treadmill test: examining the cardiovascular system on a treadmill
Treadmill test is a method of functional diagnostics in which an ECG is recorded during intense physical activity.
Computed tomography of the chest
CT scan of the chest: indications, procedure, contraindications
CT is one of the most informative research methods in medical practice. To get the result
Computed tomography with contrast of the abdominal cavity
CT scan of the abdomen and retroperitoneum (with bolus contrast)
MSCT of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space is one of the most modern imaging methods
What does an ultrasound of the neck show?
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the cervical spine
Stoparthrosis » Treatment methods » What does an ultrasound of the neck show? Litvinenko A. S. July 2
What can be seen on MSCT of the abdominal organs
Preparing for a CT scan of the abdomen with contrast
Tomographic research methods today are among the most modern and high-tech, so doctors
vascular damage to the head and neck
MRI of head and neck vessels: the essence of the technique, indications and contraindications
The most common symptoms of damage to the vascular system of the brain and neck are headaches, unsteadiness
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