CT and MRI after stroke
CT and MRI of the brain after a stroke: which study is better?
For more accurate diagnosis of cerebral circulatory disorders, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging are used today.
aortic angiography
What does MRI of the abdomen with contrast show?
Magnetic resonance imaging is based on exposure to a magnetic field of varying intensity. Negative consequences for the body when
How to correctly decipher an oncological diagnosis and what to do next
MRI is one of the most informative methods for diagnosing the condition of the human body. It is actively used
What is fluorography and how does it differ from x-rays?
X-ray (x-ray) is a non-invasive medical test that helps doctors diagnose and treat
MRI diagnosis of the uterus
MRI of the uterus with contrast - which shows how to prepare
The first place among malignant neoplasia in young women is precancer and cervical cancer.
diagnosis of brain diseases
MRI of cerebral vessels: what does it show?
All internal and external systems of the human body are closely interconnected, especially when it comes to adjacent
The difference between 3D diagnostics and x-rays
Get a dental CT scan: what is computed tomography, how and why it is performed, prices for dental CT scans in St. Petersburg
Dental CT is a type of modern x-ray examination. By performing it, a three-dimensional model of the area under study is obtained.
Recommendations for lung ultrasound in internal medicine. Part one
Advantages of ultrasound What is the difference between ultrasound and x-ray? These are two completely different methods of diagnosing patients.
Plastic plaster versus regular plaster – innovations in traumatology
Radiography is a quick method for studying anatomical structures, identifying joint damage and fractures in
How does fluorography differ from chest x-ray?
Spine X-rays can be performed to visualize both one part of the spine and
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