EGDS and FGDS, what is the difference and what do they have in common?
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy are modern research methods that allow diagnosis in the early stages
What is erythropoietin? Erythropoietin is a hormone that helps the body maintain optimal oxygen levels.
What is MRI screening?
MRI of the thoracic spine - a modern diagnostic method
The rhythm of modern life has a direct impact on people's sense of self. Aspects such as physical inactivity, urbanization,
Fetal cardiotocography (CTG)
Cardiotocography during pregnancy is done to determine the state of the child’s cardiovascular system, its
Echocardiography (EchoCG, ultrasound of the heart)
More than 1.2 million people die from cardiovascular diseases in Russia, despite the high level
Computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas: prices (Moscow)
A CT scan of the pancreas is a non-invasive way to examine this abdominal organ. Her in
Ultrasound of the pancreas
Common soft ultrasound markers of fetal malformations
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is the most popular and informative method for diagnosing pancreatic diseases. In
What is amilorrhea (starch in stool), how to identify and treat it?
Amilorrhea is the appearance of undigested starch grains in the stool. Normally occurs in adults
How is gallbladder removal surgery performed?
Laparoscopy is one of the methods of surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity. The procedure can be carried out as
Leukopenia and agranulocytosis
Leukopenia The diagnosis of “leukopenia” means a low level of white blood cells - leukocytes, which are an important element
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