Frequency of fluorography in adults and children: how often can it be done
Advantages and disadvantages of fluorography Every adult undergoes examination using this method at least once
Set for laparoscopy
What do you need to take with you to the hospital for laparoscopy?
The majority of laparoscopic interventions require hospitalization, the duration of which depends on the complexity of the upcoming operation. How
Computed tomography with contrast: harm and contraindications of CT
Computed tomography with contrast CT with contrast involves examining the patient’s body using minimal
how do metastases occur?
Metastases to the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity, retroperitoneum and pelvis
Article for the “bio/mol/text” competition: When an accident happened in the body, and out of 100 trillion normal
Features of testing for bronchitis
Blood test for bronchitis - indicators of a general study of blood composition
Whatever you are sick with - atrophic bronchitis or bronchiolitis, a blood test - research,
How to do a mammogram correctly: preparing and performing x-rays of the mammary glands
Almost every woman knows that breast health needs to be monitored especially carefully. Greatest
Computed tomography of the lumbosacral region
Computed tomography of the spine is a modern method of layer-by-layer scanning of segments of the spinal column with subsequent
Lung cancer (lung carcinoma)
Lungs' cancer. Symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, surgery.
Oncologist Lobov Mikhail Yurievich Experience 27 years Oncologist Make an appointment Lung cancer presents
MRI image quality
Types of CT machines: open and closed - which is better
Computed tomography is a non-invasive form of examination that provides layer-by-layer diagnostics of the internal parts of the body of the subject
Indications for prostate (prostate) biopsy Lump on digital rectal examination; Persistent increase in serum
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