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FGDS and stomach x-ray: which is better and which method will help diagnose the disease?
What it is? X-ray of the stomach is an instrumental technique for studying the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which can
For patients: How long does gastroscopy take?
What is considered stomach cancer? Stomach cancer is a malignant neoplasm that originates from the mucous membrane
doctor examines x-ray
X-ray for children under one year of age – a source of harm or a safe procedure?
The brain is the most important human organ, which is protected by the cranium. If its functions are impaired, it is important
CT scan of the sinuses: goals and features of implementation
Computed tomography of the maxillary sinuses is a detailed examination of this area using x-rays.
Fetus at 16 weeks of gestation
16th week of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development, ultrasound
A healthy appetite appears. Symptoms of early toxicosis, which in some people begins immediately after fertilization, disappear.
X-ray of soft tissues of the axillary region
Ultrasound of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes is prescribed to identify pathological changes in tissues
Microalbuminuria (random urine, 24-hour urine)
Microalbuminuria (MAU) is the excretion of albumin in the urine in an amount of 30-300 mg per day.
BLD in urine test
BLD in urine analysis - interpretation of the analysis, norm and deviation
BLD in a urine test is most often not a good thing. This parameter in
Obtaining an x-ray image on film is a radiography method (method of production, differences between survey and targeted x-rays).
Method for obtaining X-ray images (options) The invention relates to medicine, in particular to radiology, and
X-ray of the bladder (cystography) in Moscow
X-ray (cystography) of the bladder is a radiological, non-invasive diagnosis that is carried out to identify pathological
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