What is CT brain perfusion: purpose Perfusion is the process of fluid circulation through the capillary network.
Rhinoscopy is a diagnostic instrumental technique that is used to study the condition of the nasal cavity. Maybe
Breast examination using MRI is often carried out in order to identify all kinds of neoplasms in the mammary
According to the decree of the Ministry of Health, at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy a woman should undergo the first planned
Coprogram (stool analysis) is a study of the physical, chemical and microscopic characteristics of feces. Paid stool analysis
What is bacterial seeding? Bakposev - inoculation of biological material taken from the cervical canal. This kind
Prostate adenoma is an exclusively male disease, causing a lot of anxiety among the stronger sex.
To verify an oncological diagnosis, it is recommended in all cases to perform a biopsy - intravital sampling of material
Author: Salatsky Dmitry Nikolaevich Chief physician, orthopedic dentist, gnathologist, maxillofacial prosthetist Correct behavior and execution
MR scanning of the abdominal cavity Magnetic resonance imaging is used to diagnose pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and other