Digital mammography
Pros and cons of X-ray mammography and electrical impedance mammography
Indications Mammography is necessary for all women at risk: age over 39 -
Which is better: irrigoscopy or colonoscopy of the intestines - the main differences between the procedures - MEDSI
Features of colonoscopy Colonoscopy is an endoscopic technique for examining the large intestine. The procedure is carried out using a fiberconoloscope -
Proteinuria. Causes, symptoms and treatment of proteinuria.
1. General information The familiar phrase “They found protein in a urine test” in medical language sounds
Pictures show lesions
In what cases is a certificate of fluorography required?
Fluorography is a diagnostic study that is performed for the purpose of timely detection and treatment of diseases.
Human blood types: how they differ and why they cannot be mixed
If you stop a random passerby on the street (although this is not so easy to do now) and
Trendelenburg position. What is it, how is it used for operations, x-rays, anaphylactic shock
Polyposition radiography/fluoroscopy of the esophagus and stomach
X-rays of the stomach and esophagus with contrast enhancement can detect diseases such as hiatal hernia
Chest X-ray
Chest X-ray: indications, contraindications and price
Chest X-ray is a non-invasive diagnostic method that is based on the use of X-ray
CT scan of the knee joints - photography
CT scan of the knee joint: what does it show and how to do it?
Knee joints regularly experience various impacts. Their condition is negatively affected by physical activity, traumatic
CT scan of the brain - images on a tomograph
How does MRI of the brain differ from MRI of cerebral vessels?
Among treated citizens referred by doctors for tomography, a common question is which scanning option?
Hysteroscopy is a section of modern operative gynecology
In modern medical practice, the concept of hysteroscopy of the uterus is often encountered. Hysteroscopy of the uterus –
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