Read the rules for rehabilitation after a tailbone fracture
X-ray of the coccyx: preparation, how is the procedure done, what does the result show?
directions Every person knows what a coccyx is. These are vestigial small vertebrae in the shape of a triangle
Neonatal screening of newborns. Why do they take blood from the heel?
In this article we will tell you what neonatal newborn screening is, for
Laparoscopic surgery to remove uterine fibroids
Myoma is one of the most common gynecological diseases. According to some reports, it occurs in
How to understand the results of a general blood test?
Leukocytes in the blood: normal by age, reasons for increased and decreased values
Published: 02/16/2021 16:45:00 Updated: 02/18/2021 Leukocytes are the most important element of blood and the basis of the body’s immunity.
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Features of the diet after FGDS: how long after can you eat? An example of a menu that will help avoid complications
FGDS or fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the most informative gastroenterological diagnostic method. The examination allows you to identify diseases in
undergoing MRI of the gastrointestinal tract
CT scan of the esophagus and stomach: when is a computed tomography scan of the stomach needed, preparation, what shows
With the advent of x-rays, the task of making a diagnosis for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been significantly simplified. Further development
Blood compatibility for conceiving a child
Blood type of parents and children - how to determine what the child will have
Pregnancy planning includes a whole range of examinations and activities that will allow the couple
HCG: the main test for pregnant women
Methods for diagnosing hCG To determine this hormone, high-quality reagents are used. From determining its concentration
Ultrasound of the fetal heart in pregnant women
Expert fetal echocardiography (ultrasound of the fetal heart 18–22 weeks)
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the heart or echocardiography (ECHO-CG) of the fetus is an important part of the study during
Ultrasound of the eyeball: when is it prescribed, how is it done, what does it show?
Ultrasound examination of the eye occupies an important place in ophthalmological practice - it is one of the main
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