Ultrasound of a child’s kidneys: preparation for the study, how they do it, interpretation of the result
Also, at approximately 1 to 2 months of age, an ultrasound scan of the newborn's kidneys is performed to
Pregnant woman with bare belly holding baby sleepsuit
27th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother
Pregnant: illustrative photo: Pixabay The 27th week of pregnancy means that the second trimester is approaching
Can an ultrasound be mistaken about the gender of a baby?
Can an ultrasound be mistaken about the sex of a child? Doctor's advice and comments
Can an ultrasound be mistaken about the sex of a child? This topic worries many parents. Especially those
Ultrasound 13 weeks pregnant
13th week of pregnancy: changes in the body
doctor ultrasound of the fetus - a procedure that pregnant women must undergo during the entire period of gestation
Ultrasound during pregnancy: when and how many times can the study be done?
To monitor the course of pregnancy, laboratory and instrumental tests are carried out. Among the mandatory diagnostic methods
Kidney failure in children - how to notice and treat
The capabilities of the laboratory of the Medical Women's Center on Zemlyanoy Val make it possible to perform comprehensive diagnostics of chronic and
determining the sex of the child
Ultrasound of the child’s gender: determination, probability of errors and cost of the study
For future fathers and mothers, the anticipation of the birth of a child is a long-awaited and touching event. WITH
Children's functional diagnostics. Features of ECG, Holter monitoring and electroencephalography for children
Electrocardiography (ECG) is one of the simplest, fastest and safest diagnostic procedures used for
Vascular ultrasound (USDG) of the pelvic organs
Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (complex) with color Doppler mapping in Moscow
Doppler ultrasound of the pelvis is one of the types of ultrasound used for accurate and early diagnosis.
Ultrasound of the heart
Interpretation of heart ultrasound in children
What can be seen on an ultrasound Ultrasound of the heart Such a diagnostic method as ultrasound examination of the heart
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