What is an immunogram, why is it necessary to assess immune status indicators?

Immunological blood tests

is a set of laboratory blood tests to fully assess the state of the human body’s immune defense. The basis for testing is human venous blood, and in rare cases, cerebrospinal fluid can be used. Often such analyzes are carried out in an expanded manner to save overall costs.

The main advantage of the method is its high accuracy in determining the patient’s body’s ability to resist various types of viruses and bacteria that lead to diseases.

When is an immunogram prescribed?

In modern medicine, there are a number of indications for conducting immunological blood tests, most of which boil down to the patient’s exposure to various viruses and infectious diseases, including those of the reproductive system.

The test is often prescribed to patients with the following diseases or suspicion of them:

  • Hepatitis
  • HIV
  • Herpetic infection
  • Metabolic diseases
  • With the development of cancer
  • For gastrointestinal diseases
  • Chronic bronchitis, sinusitis
  • Sudden weight loss for no particular reason
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Immunological blood tests are also


  • Before organ transplant operations
  • To determine the immunodeficiency conditions of the patient's body
  • When treated with medications that affect the immune system
  • For allergic diseases that impair the function of the immune system

What is an immunogram?

This is a special blood test that allows you to assess the number of different immune cells, the antibodies they produce and a number of other substances that indicate the state of the body's defense systems. Depending on the purpose of the study and the capabilities of the laboratory, the number of parameters studied can vary significantly. An extended study allows you to study more than 25 different indicators - such an analysis reveals even hidden violations that cannot be detected by standard methods.

Human immunity can be divided into two parts: “slow” (humoral) and “fast” (cellular). The fast link reacts almost immediately after the pathogen (virus, fungus, bacteria, protozoa, etc.) enters the body. The task of this group of cells includes the following functions:

  1. Absorb and “digest” a malicious agent;
  2. Present or “tell” about a pathogenic microorganism to other immune cells that cannot detect it on their own;
  3. Destroy the largest number of identified microbes;
  4. Fighting various tumors and autoimmune processes is another important function of the immune system, which often does not allow the body to cope with the disease on its own.

After the “fast” link has absorbed the foreign body and told the “slow” link about it, the slow process of creating and releasing antibodies into the blood begins. Antibodies are substances that destroy a specific type of pathogenic agent. They are very specific and, in most cases, help the body finally cope with the existing disease. On average, the duration of their creation is 2-3 weeks.

The immunogram indicators reflect the work of each of the defense links. It is on the basis of their changes that a conclusion is made about the absence/presence of immunodeficiency, about the variant of the disorder and the optimal method of therapy.

Immunity link, studied parameterFunction

Cellular (“fast”)

Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+, CD8+)Recognition of harmful microorganisms and their destruction
T helper cells (CD4+)They “tell” other defender cells about the presence of the pathogen and play a significant role in the formation of long-term immunity.
T-suppressors (CD8+)Regulation of the activity of defense systems, protects the body from the development of autoimmune reactions (when antibodies are produced against healthy tissues)
T cells with receptor for IL-2 (CD25+)
Carriers of apoptosis marker (CD95+)Controlling the speed of cell self-destruction process

Humoral (“slow”)

B cells (CD+, 19CD+) Responsible for the production of specific antibodies. In most cases, it is thanks to this pool of cells that complete recovery occurs.

They protect the body from re-infection with the same infection for a certain time.

Immunoglobulin GAntibodies produced by B cells. When contacted with a harmful microbe, they destroy its wall, resulting in death.
Immunoglobulin M
Immunoglobulin A
ImmunoglobulinResponsible for the development of any allergic reactions.

Non-specific indicators (reflect the work of both units)

natural killer (CD16+) or NK cellsProvide natural antitumor immunity
Cells with HLA markerReflects the activity of immune mechanisms
PhagocytosisRecognition, uptake and presentation of harmful agents to T cells
Leukocyte migration inhibition reaction (abbreviated as RTML)Laboratory test reflecting the functioning of the cellular unit.
NST testAllows you to evaluate the activity of phagocytosis
ComplementPrevents the formation of large immune complexes (compounds of harmful particles with antibodies). Participates in neutralizing microbes

In some cases, the doctor may recommend supplementing the analysis with a study of the content of interleukins in the blood - these are special substances that ensure the interconnection of various components of defense systems. If their production is disrupted, immunodeficiency states can also form.

How to prepare for an immunogram?

An immunological blood test uses data obtained from venous blood. Blood is drawn from a peripheral vein (ulnar or radial vein in the area of ​​the elbow joint). Before blood collection, the puncture site is treated with an antiseptic. The amount of blood taken is about 5-10 ml.

It is worth noting that the patient should properly prepare for the immunogram:

  • 8-10 hours before the procedure, you should not eat food or drink drinks containing sugar.
  • You should refrain from drinking alcohol 2-3 days before the procedure.
  • Refrain from smoking 30-60 minutes before the blood collection procedure
  • Avoid physical and emotional stress on the day of blood collection
  • The test should be taken before taking medications or diagnostic treatment procedures.
  • The final analysis is deciphered by your attending physician.

    Sign up for an immunogram

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    Blood immunogram

    An immunogram is a complex of laboratory blood test tests, the task of which is to objectively assess the indicators of immune status - quantitative and qualitative.
    A referral for diagnostics is given only by the attending physician if there are sufficient grounds, i.e., if the patient has symptoms that indicate a decrease in the body’s defenses. On our website Dobrobut. com you will find out what an extended immunogram shows in general, but only a specialist can interpret the results obtained. To a person without special education, the numbers won’t tell you anything. A specific feature of the study is that a deviation of 20% or more is within the normal range.

    Where can I get immunological blood tests (Immunogram) in Moscow?

    At the multidisciplinary medical center you can always do immunological blood tests (Immunogram)

    . Our medical center is located between the Konkovo ​​and Belyaevo metro stations (South-Western Administrative District of Moscow in the area of ​​the Belyaevo, Konkovo, Teply Stan, Chertanovo, Yasenevo, Sevastopolskaya, New Cheryomushki metro stations " and "Trade Union"). Here you will find highly qualified personnel and the most modern diagnostic equipment. Our clients will be pleasantly surprised by our quite affordable prices.


    Deciphering an immunogram is much more difficult than analyzing a regular blood test. This study includes a large number of indicators that not only need to be compared with existing standards, but also analyzed in their entirety. However, first of all, it is necessary to know the normal values.

    They may differ slightly in different laboratories. This is due to the use of various tools, diagnostic methods and reagents. As a rule, immunogram norms are given on the sheet with the examination results. If they are absent, we suggest using the following immunogram table:

    Immunogram indicatorNorm

    Cellular (“fast”)

    Cytotoxic T cells (CD3+, CD8+) 0.3-0.9*109/l

    23-36, %

    T helper cells (CD4+) 0.45-0.86*109/l

    23-49, %

    T-suppressors (CD8+) 0.26-0.53*109/l

    17-26, %

    T cells with receptor for IL-2 (CD25+) 0.01-0.08*109/l

    0,1-0,7, %

    Carriers of apoptosis marker (CD95+) 0.11-0.3*109/l

    1,6-7,2, %

    Humoral (“slow”)

    B cells (CD20+) 0.12-0.33*109/l

    6-20, %

    Immunoglobulin G7.5-15.46, g/l
    Immunoglobulin M0.65-1.65, g/l
    Immunoglobulin A1.25-2.52, g/l
    Immunoglobulin D0-0.07, g/l

    Non-specific indicators (reflect the work of both units)

    Natural/natural killer (CD16+) or NK cells 0.16-0.36*109/l

    8,1-18,0, %

    Cells with HLA marker Lymphocytes: 0.17*109/l

    Monocytes: 0.18*109/l

    Phagocytic indicator60-90, %
    Phagocytic number6-9, units
    Leukocyte migration inhibition reaction (abbreviated as RTML) With specific antigen: 82-121%

    With phytohemagglutinin (with PHA): 21-80%

    With concavalin A (with ConA): 40-76%

    NST test Spontaneous: 5-12.%

    Activated: 10-35,%

    Complement30-50, %

    Click to enlarge

    Determination of the degree of immune disorders

    There are a large number of approaches to assess the patient's condition. Some of them offer calculation of the number of diseases taking into account their severity per year, others are purely calculation methods. Using an immunogram, you can also determine the severity of disorders of the humoral and cellular components or evaluate the effectiveness of treatment over a certain amount of time.

    To do this you need to use the following formula:

    ((Pathological indicator of the patient / Norm of this indicator) – 1) * 100%

    The number of B cells, Cytotoxic cells or T helper cells is most often used as the parameter being studied. If the result obtained is negative, the severity of the disorders and the need for active drug therapy can be determined:

    Calculation resultInterpretationNeed for pharmacotherapy
    Less than 34%Minor violationsAbsent, with the exception of those conditions in which a person is bothered by frequent and severe infectious diseases
    34-66%Moderate violationsNecessary
    More than 66%Severe immunodeficiency

    "Myths" about immunity

    Fresh fruits and vegetables will improve weakened immunity

    Undoubtedly, these products are useful for many diseases. In particular, they are a source of plant fiber, which stimulates normal digestion. With atrophy of the gastric mucosa, they improve the secretion of digestive juices and help in processing food. However, the amount of vitamins obtained from fruits and vegetables is extremely small and cannot help treat immune disorders;

    Identified immunodeficiency in a child does not need to be treated; it will go away on its own after puberty.

    This opinion is very common not only among the population, but also among a certain group of doctors. Such a judgment is very dangerous - the question of the need for treatment in each individual case is decided by an immunologist. And if the risk of frequent and severe infections exceeds the risk of side effects from medications (which are quite rare), therapy is necessary for the child;

    Immunomodulators are absolutely useless in the treatment of immunodeficiencies

    Several years ago, a large study was conducted that confirmed that the use of immunomodulators reduces the duration of treatment for ARVI by only 1 day or less. That is, they have a completely insignificant effect. This argument is often used by some doctors and patients, justifying their refusal to use them for primary immunodeficiencies. Does anything in this argument bother you?

    • First, the aim of the study was to evaluate the effect on duration of treatment, but not on the prevention of infectious diseases.
    • Secondly, it was carried out on healthy people who did not suffer from immunodeficiencies. If you study foreign literature and the results of suitable research works, you can find the following information. Immunomodulators have relatively little effectiveness, but they prevent the development of severe and frequent infections in people with primary immunodeficiencies, and also reduce the likelihood of death.

    At the moment, there are other, more effective medicines abroad to maintain the body’s defense systems. Their price alone is many times higher, and availability in Russia is extremely limited. Therefore, immunomodulators, lysates of microorganisms, interferon preparations are one of the options for treating these diseases in the Russian Federation.

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