A complete examination of the body, or What is a check-up and why is it needed?

Medical examination “Check-up” is a specialized program for monitoring the body, which includes diagnostic, instrumental and laboratory research techniques.

Check-Up is a tool for a comprehensive health check, designed for people who do not have enough time to undergo a medical examination or who want to receive better medical services.

The examination allows early detection of diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncological pathologies, diabetes mellitus and other disorders of internal organs and systems.

A medical check-up takes one or several days and does not require a long wait for an appointment with specialized specialists. If any health problems are detected, the supervising doctor will immediately refer the patient to a specialist for treatment.

At the JSC Meditsina clinic in Moscow, Check-Up examination programs are developed individually for each patient. To formulate a program, you should attend an initial appointment with a general practitioner.

Check-up, medical examination and full examination of the body: who needs it?

Many diseases do not manifest themselves in any way in the early stages, and they can only be detected with the help of tests and instrumental studies. And the success of treatment, as is known, directly depends on the timeliness of diagnosis.

The sonorous English word check-up refers to a complete medical examination in an express format. In a short time, the patient receives the necessary information about the state of his body, recommendations for maintaining health and treatment, if required[2].

The check-up differs from the standard medical examination procedure precisely in that the examination is carried out in the shortest possible time, which, of course, is very convenient for the lifestyle of a modern busy person.

Who needs a checkup? It is recommended to undergo a full examination of the body for those who have certain health complaints, people with unfavorable heredity, as well as all men and women over 25 years of age - for the purpose of prevention. More details THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. YOU MUST CONSULT A SPECIALIST

What is “computer diagnostics in 1 hour”

In the last 5-7 years, on cheap black and white “flyers” in mailboxes unprotected from SPAM, in naively underlined advertisements from individuals in newspapers and magazines, even on some digital resources on the Internet, a faceless multitude of commercial offers to go through some little-known in medicine all over the World, but incredibly fast, comprehensive and accurate “full diagnosis of the whole body in 1 hour” or “diagnosis of cancer in the whole body” for “5 kopecks” with a 100% result, or some other “bioresonance therapy” and so on near-medical nonsense.

I’ll tell you right away, without being too distracted by the “raging trolls”: all this “computer diagnostic” garbage can be safely thrown into the trash bin along with dietary supplements, poultices for rigor mortis and other Herbalife “miracles” of network marketing and similar pseudo-delights aimed purely at on the wallet of the average citizen.

Who should undergo check-in?

  • Regularly (every two to three years) a full body examination is recommended for all men and women aged 25–30 years. Of course, people with chronic diseases or who are predisposed to developing certain diseases should be examined more often. After 50 years, when the risk of developing diseases increases, medical examination is recommended annually.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the check-up service for people with vague health complaints. Unfortunately, rarely does anyone feel completely healthy, especially after 40 years. A sedentary lifestyle, constant stress, errors in nutrition - all this sooner or later affects the condition of the body. A person begins to worry about various ailments: increased fatigue, weakness, headaches, digestive problems, and the like. In such cases, you can undergo an examination to find out the cause of poor health and begin treatment on time.
  • Finally, periodic comprehensive diagnostic testing is recommended for those who have unfavorable heredity. If any of your close relatives have had cancer or other diseases in the development of which genetic mechanisms are believed to have played a role, then regular medical examinations can help identify the possible disease at an early stage. During a preliminary conversation, the doctor will determine what tests need to be taken for patients with certain risk factors.

Standard and additional check-out programs are now included in the list of services in many private clinics and medical centers in Moscow and major Russian cities.

CHECK-UP direction Many clinics offer both preventive examination programs to assess the general condition of the body, and narrowly focused ones - to diagnose a specific disease. Selecting a program THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. YOU MUST CONSULT A SPECIALIST

Preparation and contraindications

Comprehensive whole-body MRI requires standard preparation.

  1. The day before the scheduled date of examination, the patient must exclude from the diet foods that cause increased gas formation: legumes, milk, baked goods, raw vegetables and fruits.
  2. The scanning is carried out on an empty stomach - the interval between the last meal and the MRI should be at least 4-6 hours.
  3. 30 minutes before the procedure, you need to drink 200 ml of clean warm water and take medications that reduce intestinal motility.

A comprehensive MRI examination is not performed on pregnant women in the first trimester or patients with mental disorders. The presence of metal elements in the body (pacemaker, clamps, pumps, implants) is also a contraindication.

What usually includes a full medical examination

Check-up programs are based on world standards for diagnosing the most common pathologies, as well as life-threatening diseases. They include the minimum tests and studies necessary to successfully identify these diseases in the early stages.

Preventive check-up programs
are formed taking into account the age and gender of clients, current health status, medical history, the presence of risk factors, diagnostic purposes, and more. Based on the results of the preliminary conversation, the doctor decides which studies to prescribe for a particular patient. General preventive examination programs take into account gender and age characteristics. For example, there are check-ups designed for women 25–40, 40–50 and over 50 years old. Similar programs are provided for men of the corresponding age groups.

In addition to general diagnostics, various clinics offer highly targeted check-ups

to identify certain diseases (cardiovascular system, cancer and others), examination of individual organs and systems.
Some programs are designed with specific goals in mind, such as planning a pregnancy. How much does the service cost? The cost of a comprehensive examination may depend on the clinic, the chosen program, and the number of tests included in it. Find out the cost THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. YOU MUST CONSULT A SPECIALIST

So, what is included in a full body examination?

These are consultations with doctors of various profiles, about ten instrumental and up to 25 laboratory tests. The standard general program allows you to diagnose common diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, respiratory, and urinary systems. With the help of a check-up examination, you can assess the state of metabolism, identify hidden infections (including STIs), inflammatory processes, and oncological pathology.

The list of consultations, analyzes and studies depends on the specific program. For example, a typical check-up for women from 30 to 40 years old includes:

  1. appointment with a therapist (initial and repeat);
  2. consultations with specialized specialists (gynecologist, mammologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, pulmonologist, and so on);
  3. ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, pelvis, urinary system, thyroid gland, mammary glands with regional lymph nodes;
  4. ECG and echocardiography;
  1. gastroscopy;
  2. plain chest x-ray;
  3. spirometry;
  4. general blood analysis;
  1. general urine analysis;
  2. blood chemistry;
  3. blood test for thyroid hormones;
  4. detection of STIs;
  1. analysis for the presence of oncogenic HPV strains;
  2. smear microscopy;
  3. cytological examination of cervical scraping.

But, for example, a special program for diagnosing the cardiovascular system includes:

  • initial and final consultations with a cardiologist and neurologist;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist (analysis of the condition of the fundus vessels);
  • ECG at rest and during exercise;
  • echocardiography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head, neck and lower extremities;
  • general and biochemical blood tests, examination of the level of fibrinogen in the blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for thyroid hormone levels.

Diagnosis of gastrointestinal diseases at the SOVA clinic

At the SOVA medical clinic you can undergo a complete and comprehensive examination and receive professional help from a gastroenterologist. You will be offered a variety of endoscopic examination - fibrogastroscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, with a urease rapid test for Helicobacter pylori, colonoscopy - examination of the intestinal mucosa, ultrasound examination of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, duplex examination of the vessels of the abdominal cavity, determination of a wide spectrum biochemical parameters. Each examination method complements and clarifies the picture of the disease.

Where to start a complete examination of the body

In order to undergo a full medical examination, you first need to choose a clinic and sign up for an initial consultation.
The websites of many medical centers offer the ability to register online. The initial appointment is conducted by a general practitioner. He conducts a conversation with the patient, during which he finds out the purpose of the examination, general health, the nature of the complaints (if any), the individual characteristics of the body, lifestyle and eating habits, hereditary factors and much more.

It is recommended to bring the results of previous studies with you to the initial consultation. This will help the doctor obtain the most complete information about the patient’s health status.

If the patient is taking any medications, this must also be reported to the doctor.

Advantages of CHECK-UP programs The main advantages of comprehensive diagnostic programs are short deadlines and lower cost compared to individual tests. Learn more THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. YOU MUST CONSULT A SPECIALIST


Many instrumental studies and especially laboratory tests are performed on an empty stomach. The diagnostic results may also be affected by taking certain medications (the doctor will tell you more about this during the consultation). It is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol a few days before the examination.

Based on the results of the conversation, the doctor selects an individual diagnostic program and prescribes tests. Changes and additions may be made to the standard list of procedures.

A basic checkup allows you to assess the condition of the most important systems of the body and identify underlying diseases. This examination is suitable for patients without visible health problems who undergo check-ups for preventive purposes, as well as for those who have unpleasant symptoms of unknown origin. However, in some cases, specialized programs aimed at solving specific problems are necessary.

For example, a woman with a family history is strongly recommended to undergo regular mammological or oncological check-ups. There are specialized check-ups for children, for athletes, and even for those who are susceptible to such addictions as smoking.

Another study is gradually gaining popularity - genotest, that is, deciphering a person’s genotype[3]. The information obtained during the study does not change throughout life, so the genotest is performed once.

How long will the research last?

The duration of a checkup depends on its type, that is, on the number of consultations, diagnostic procedures and tests to examine the body. The basic program for men and women aged 30–40 lasts on average one day. In five to six hours, the patient manages to visit a therapist, four to five specialists, take tests, undergo an ultrasound and other types of instrumental studies.

Check-up for older people usually lasts a little longer because it includes more types of research.

Some in-depth diagnostic programs can take three to five days.

In most cases, examination results may not be ready immediately, which is due to the specifics of certain tests. But usually within a week the patient already receives a conclusion about the state of his health.

Tests at home You can take the necessary tests without leaving your home. Call a specialist at home THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. YOU MUST CONSULT A SPECIALIST

What does the patient receive after completing the study?

The results of all studies and the conclusions of highly specialized specialists are transferred to the therapist-supervisor. After completion of the diagnostic program, a final consultation with the patient is carried out.

The doctor-supervisor tells the patient about the results of the examination, answers questions, gives recommendations regarding lifestyle, nutrition, elimination of risk factors, prevention of diseases to which a predisposition has been identified. If any pathology is detected during diagnostic tests, the therapist issues a referral for further specialized examination or treatment.

After the final consultation, the patient is given a written report on his state of health. He also receives the results of all tests and diagnostic procedures. All documents are filed and given to the patient in the form of a book, which is convenient to take with you the next time you visit the doctor.

What are the “diagnostic” methods we are talking about based on?

It is not difficult to obtain this information. This is generally the only official information that exists about “instant computer diagnostics”: all this “works” exclusively thanks to the “Foly method” https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%82 %D0%BE%D0%B4_%D0%A4%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BB%D1%8F, which, at its core, is an ugly hybrid of oriental acupuncture and a device for measuring alternating and direct electrical currents ( or simply - a galvanometer created by Luigi Galvan in the first half of the century before last).

!For information: to this day, the “Fol’s method” does not have a scientific basis or evidence base; it is not recognized by the world scientific community, due to the absence of even hints of its objectivity. Moreover, in the United States and a number of European countries, the use of such methods is prohibited, and for attempts to deceive their citizens with false diagnostics and pseudotherapy, seekers of easy money can easily end up behind bars.

Take care of your Health, think with your own head, and if something is unclear, it’s better to ask your questions to specialists!

How much does a full body examination cost?

Of course, all those who are seriously thinking about the need for regular health checks cannot help but worry about the question of how much the examination costs.
As you know, commercial medicine is not a cheap pleasure, and this is one of the reasons why few people turn to doctors in a timely manner. The two main factors that determine the cost of a full body examination are the level of the medical institution, as well as the number and nature of diagnostic activities included in the program. The total amount of the check consists of the prices for individual tests, studies and consultations. Naturally, the more tests required, the higher the cost of the examination will be. Approximately from five to 20 consulting specialists can take part in a check-up; the number of diagnostic procedures may also vary. In some cases, the patient is able to complete the examination in one or two visits, while in others, to complete the course, he has to spend from one and a half to three or more days in the clinic, respectively, then the cost includes hospital accommodation, food and care.

The programs are designed for patients of a certain age and gender, which also affects the price. For example, a basic check-up for women costs from 40,000 rubles, for men - from 35,000 rubles. And annual premium preventive diagnostics can cost from 100,000 rubles - with a slight difference in price for women and men. After 50 years, the risk of diseases increases, and a large number of tests are needed to identify them. The price for programs for older people is even higher.

Small diagnostic packages (examination of individual organs and systems) are always cheaper. Thus, the cost of a check-up for women aimed at identifying gynecological and endocrine diseases starts from 15,000 rubles. A full-fledged gastroenterological program, including initial and repeated consultations with a doctor, basic laboratory and instrumental tests to detect diseases of the digestive system, costs approximately 40,000 rubles.

As you can see, the price of a full examination of the body is quite affordable for citizens with an average income.

Advantages of Check-Up examinations at JSC "Medicine"

Health monitoring is carried out in a clinical setting, using the latest, high-precision diagnostic equipment.

The Check-up program includes services: laboratory diagnostics, CT, endoscopy, etc. For details, leave a request or call the number listed on the website.

When creating an individual examination program, new clients are given a special discount of 15%.

When purchasing an annual VHI service program at the clinic with the opportunity to undergo a “Check-up” and receive treatment within the framework of insurance, a 10% discount is available for all new clients of the clinic. You can view annual service programs on this page .

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