Lung cancer (lung carcinoma)
Lungs' cancer. Symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, surgery.
Oncologist Lobov Mikhail Yurievich Experience 27 years Oncologist Make an appointment Lung cancer presents
Indications for prostate (prostate) biopsy Lump on digital rectal examination; Persistent increase in serum
doctor examines x-ray
X-ray for children under one year of age – a source of harm or a safe procedure?
The brain is the most important human organ, which is protected by the cranium. If its functions are impaired, it is important
X-ray of soft tissues of the axillary region
Ultrasound of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes is prescribed to identify pathological changes in tissues
Fetus at 16 weeks of gestation
16th week of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development, ultrasound
A healthy appetite appears. Symptoms of early toxicosis, which in some people begins immediately after fertilization, disappear.
Microalbuminuria (random urine, 24-hour urine)
Microalbuminuria (MAU) is the excretion of albumin in the urine in an amount of 30-300 mg per day.
BLD in urine test
BLD in urine analysis - interpretation of the analysis, norm and deviation
BLD in a urine test is most often not a good thing. This parameter in
Obtaining an x-ray image on film is a radiography method (method of production, differences between survey and targeted x-rays).
Method for obtaining X-ray images (options) The invention relates to medicine, in particular to radiology, and
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pneumofibrosis is a serious treachery. How to support diseased lungs?
Pulmonologist Prokhina Maria Egorovna Experience 38 years Pulmonologist Make an appointment Pathological process of proliferation
X-ray of the bladder (cystography) in Moscow
X-ray (cystography) of the bladder is a radiological, non-invasive diagnosis that is carried out to identify pathological
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