MRI of head and neck vessels: advantages of the method, indications and limitations for the procedure
MRI of the vessels of the brain and neck is prescribed to patients to identify existing pathological processes. Tomography
X-ray of the small intestine
X-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract, stomach, intestines in Moscow
The small intestine is the part of the intestine that is located between the large intestine and the stomach. Its function
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the shoulder joint
MRI of the shoulder joint is a method for diagnosing diseases of large joints, which has many advantages. He
Bone cancer on x-ray
X-ray of the bones of the lower extremities along the entire length
The most informative method for examining bone tissue is radiography. This examination will be the first to be prescribed by a traumatologist-orthopedist,
Read the rules for rehabilitation after a tailbone fracture
X-ray of the coccyx: preparation, how is the procedure done, what does the result show?
directions Every person knows what a coccyx is. These are vestigial small vertebrae in the shape of a triangle
undergoing MRI of the gastrointestinal tract
CT scan of the esophagus and stomach: when is a computed tomography scan of the stomach needed, preparation, what shows
With the advent of x-rays, the task of making a diagnosis for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract has been significantly simplified. Further development
Spiral computed tomography and multislice computed tomography
Home > CT and MSCT X-ray computed tomography is a way to study internal systems and
mri ear
MRI of the ear: features of the procedure, indications, preparatory measures
The outer part of the hearing aid is represented only by the visible auricles, which essentially play the role of
Consequences of exposure to X-ray radiation on humans. Reference
Truths and misconceptions about the dangers of X-rays There are many opinions regarding X-ray research methods.
Contrast X-ray - patient preparation and stages of performing X-rays with contrast
What is contrast x-ray - the history of the discovery of the diagnostic method Contrast x-ray is a combination of
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