How effective is fluorography for pneumonia?
How effective is fluorography for pneumonia?
Fluorography is a method of x-ray examination that allows X-rays to penetrate the human body,
Preparation for the production of radiopharmaceuticals at the Nuclear Medicine Center in Ufa
Is PET/CT dangerous: radiation dose and diagnostic consequences
PET/CT diagnostics have been used in clinical practice for several decades, and during this period
Electroencephalography of the brain: indications, methodology
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a method that is used to study the state of the human brain and is based on
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lungs and bronchi
The bronchi and lungs are part of the life-supporting respiratory system of the body. They are located in the chest cavity
What are the differences between MRI and CT of the lungs?
MSCT of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space
In recent months, the number of requests for tomographic methods of diagnosing the respiratory system has been growing at an incredible rate.
CT scan of the lungs with and without contrast - which shows how they are done
During a CT scan of the lungs, the scanner takes many scans of the chest within a few seconds,
Which tomograph is better for the spine
CT or MRI which is better, how to choose the right type of tomograph
Today, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are the most informative and highly accurate methods
Lung CT: what are the capabilities of this diagnostic method?
Computed tomography is based on ionizing x-rays. Scanning on a tomograph with the ability to create 3D reconstructions
What is a computed tomography scan and why is it done?
How is SCT research carried out? The x-ray technician positions the patient in a special way, depending on the examination being performed.
sign up for fluorography without a doctor’s referral
In 2021, you can get more services under the compulsory medical insurance policy
Author Eremin Dmitry Sergeevich Radiologist (CT) Doctor Radiologist until September 30 We are giving 1000 rubles for
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