Pregnancy ultrasound day
Ultrasound in gynecology: pregnant women, cervix, qualities and advantages of ultrasound
Every woman involuntarily thinks about the impending conception if she develops characteristic symptoms or
Preparation for ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics). What to do before an ultrasound
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity Ultrasound of the gallbladder Ultrasound of the kidneys Ultrasound of the bladder Ultrasound of the pelvis Ultrasound of the breast Ultrasound of the thyroid gland Ultrasound
Angiography is a highly informative method for diagnosing the condition of the arteries of the lower extremities
X-ray department with MRI and CT
Arteriography of the lower extremities is a method of visualizing the lumen of arteries by introducing them into them through a catheter
24 week of pregnancy: full description, photo, ultrasound
Many people like to count. They say that information looks more clear in numbers. Future mothers expecting
Liver elastometry. Lecture for doctors. Professor V. A. Izranov
Liver ultrasound is a non-invasive examination of the organ using ultrasound waves. Allows you to obtain information about
Ultrasound of internal organs during pregnancy in St. Petersburg
Why is it advisable to do an ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy?
When monitoring pregnant women, great importance is attached to ultrasound examination. During an examination of internal organs,
Ultrasound during pregnancy: when and how many times can the study be done?
To monitor the course of pregnancy, laboratory and instrumental tests are carried out. Among the mandatory diagnostic methods
We determine the sex of the child during an ultrasound at the 19th obstetric week of pregnancy: norms and development indicators
Interesting facts Parameters Indications Period from conception 17 weeks Period by menstruation 19 weeks
Ultrasound of the bladder in women: how to prepare, how it is done and what the result shows?
Ultrasound of the genitourinary system is the basis for diagnosing almost all diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Except
Types of ultrasound diagnostics
Complex gynecological ultrasound: indications, preparation, interpretation
Ultrasound diagnostics (sonography) is one of the most widely used additional research methods in medicine.
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