Is it possible to make an appointment with a doctor through public services? Detailed step-by-step instructions

In the world of digital technologies, paperwork is gradually disappearing, which greatly simplifies life not only for citizens of the country, but also for authorized departments. Almost all state and municipal services are switching to electronic format. The reform also affected healthcare. The coupon can be obtained remotely without much difficulty, but this function does not apply to all doctors and procedures. From the article you will learn how to sign up for fluorography through government services and whether it is possible.

Who can apply for the service

Fluorography is a procedure for checking the respiratory and chest organs. The analysis is performed using X-rays that pass through the human body. With the help of the service, a serious disease or distortion can be identified in the early stages, which leads to timely treatment.

A similar procedure is available to every citizen of the Russian Federation, because according to the legislation of the country, the entire population has the right to free medical care under a compulsory insurance policy. If you do not have this document on hand, then services will be provided on a paid basis. The policy is valid throughout the state and you can receive qualified assistance in any region; refusal is equivalent to a violation of human rights and carries consequences.

Respiratory screening is a mandatory item on medical examination cards when entering work or other institutions, so the service is open to all adults, as well as to foreigners with official proof of presence in the country. It should be borne in mind that such a procedure relates to a narrow specialization and it is not possible to sign up for it directly, but there are a number of exceptions, which we will discuss below.

Due to a certain risk and radiation exposure, a number of restrictions are imposed on the service and the following persons are not allowed to use it:

  1. The procedure is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.
  2. Women who are pregnant. The restrictions apply only to the period from 20 to 21 weeks, because it is during this period that the formation of the child’s internal organs occurs, and irradiation can lead to serious consequences. Pregnant women are not allowed to undergo x-rays without an official referral from the attending physician.
  3. It is recommended not to perform surgery while children are breastfeeding.
  4. People with a fear of closed spaces.

Which hospital can I register for online?

Step 4 A list of clinics, outpatient clinics, hospitals, consultative and diagnostic centers, etc. available for making an appointment with a doctor will appear. They appear based on geographic proximity to a pre-selected medical organization. You can choose any of these institutions. The location will appear on the left of the map. You need to click on the “Select” button.

  • A new window will appear: select the medical service you want to receive. By clicking, a list of medical specializations will open. You need to choose the one you need. For example, if you need a therapist, select “Therapy”, ENT doctor – “Otorhinolaryngology”;
  • After selecting a specialty, there will be a window with a list of doctors of this specialty in this hospital. You can choose anyone, but usually each address has its own local doctor; it is recommended to find out his name by calling the registration desk . If it is impossible to do this, anyone is chosen.

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Is it possible to sign up for fluorography without a doctor’s referral?

Many citizens are interested in one simple question: is it worth getting a referral from a therapist to sign up for fluorography. The Ministry of Health has issued a recommendation according to which you can perform chest X-rays no more than once or twice per calendar year. In this case, you can be accepted without problems, but in the clinic to which you are attached. Another hospital may require you to provide an official statement from a doctor.

On the territory of Russia, the following categories of the population are allowed to undergo the procedure without a therapist’s recommendation:

  • How to order certificate 182n through government services
  1. Employees and workers of educational, children's institutions, representatives of companies and catering organizations and stores.
  2. Visitors who have been diagnosed with a chronic respiratory disease.
  3. Citizens with a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
  4. If you are undergoing radiation therapy.

Other consumers can order lung images without a referral no more than once. In practice, everything depends on the medical institution; in some institutions it is enough to provide a passport and a compulsory insurance policy to receive the service, but in others, on the contrary, they require a written recommendation from the attending physician.

As for paid appointments, consumers can book the procedure an unlimited number of times depending on their wallet capacity.

Comments: 2

Your comment (question) If you have questions about this article, you can tell us. Our team consists of only experienced experts and specialists with specialized education. We will try to help you in this topic:

Author of the article Irina Rusanova

Consultant, author Popovich Anna

Financial author Olga Pikhotskaya

  1. Vladimir
    07/21/2021 at 02:33 How to get a certificate for a child to see a dentist if there is only one pediatric dentistry in the city and is located in another area? That is, we can easily make an appointment with any specialist in our clinic through government services, but not with a dentist.
    Reply ↓ Olga Pikhotskaya
    07/21/2021 at 03:03

    Vladimir, hello. Try making an appointment with a dentist through the reception desk of your clinic or coming to pick up a coupon in person.

    Reply ↓

General characteristics of the examination

Fluorography is a type of x-ray examination of the lungs. It lies in the fact that X-rays pass through tissues of different densities in different ways - the denser the tissue, the worse it transmits radiation. This tissue density is reflected and recorded on film; the picture looks like alternating darkening and highlighting, which make up the overall picture and allow you to see and examine the lungs.

The procedure is performed using special equipment called a fluorograph. The advantage of the procedure is that the radiation dose during its passage is very low, which allows it to be used for preventive purposes. Fluorography is used for early diagnosis of diseases of the lungs, mammary glands and heart, when the disease has not yet manifested itself. This significantly improves treatment prognoses for patients.

Sign up for fluorography through State Services

Fluorography is a procedure for checking the respiratory and chest organs. The analysis is performed using X-rays that pass through the human body. With the help of the service, a serious disease or distortion can be identified in the early stages, which leads to timely treatment.

A similar procedure is available to every citizen of the Russian Federation, because according to the legislation of the country, the entire population has the right to free medical care under a compulsory insurance policy. If you do not have this document on hand, then services will be provided on a paid basis. The policy is valid throughout the state and you can receive qualified assistance in any region; refusal is equivalent to a violation of human rights and carries consequences.

Respiratory screening is a mandatory item on medical examination cards when entering work or other institutions, so the service is open to all adults, as well as to foreigners with official proof of presence in the country. It should be borne in mind that such a procedure relates to a narrow specialization and it is not possible to sign up for it directly, but there are a number of exceptions, which we will discuss below.

Due to a certain risk and radiation exposure, a number of restrictions are imposed on the service and the following persons are not allowed to use it:

  1. The procedure is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.
  2. Women who are pregnant. The restrictions apply only to the period from 20 to 21 weeks, because it is during this period that the formation of the child’s internal organs occurs, and irradiation can lead to serious consequences. Pregnant women are not allowed to undergo x-rays without an official referral from the attending physician.
  3. It is recommended not to perform surgery while children are breastfeeding.
  4. People with a fear of closed spaces.

We invite you to read: Retention period for documents in organizations

The unified portal of public services is a modern tool for processing documents and drawing up applications to almost all departments and government agencies. Currently, you can make an appointment with a doctor remotely from anywhere, without being geographically assigned to a specific region. It is enough to have access to the network and a mobile phone or computer.

  • You can now sign up for a medical examination for the traffic police through the public services portal

The fluorography service is an additional highly specialized procedure, so it is impossible to obtain a coupon for the procedure using the electronic service. There is only one way, consisting of several successive steps. First, you need to make an appointment with a therapist in your clinic, and then get a referral and permission from him to conduct an X-ray of the respiratory organs.

First of all, you need to register on a single service.

In the authorization window, enter your first and last name, cell phone number and email address. Confirm your login using the security code, which will arrive in the form of an SMS alert. From now on, a simplified page is open for you; to get the maximum, enter your SNILS and passport data in the parameters of your personal account.

How to register on the government services website?

Step 1 To use government services, you must register. First, enter the phone number and data from the main documents (passport, personal identification number, etc.). Next, you need to confirm your identity: for clients of Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank and Post Bank, this is not necessary when entering your account information. Also, the account is automatically confirmed if you have a UEC (universal electronic card). The rest will have to visit:

  • MFC;
  • Specialized centers, for example, some banks (the list is offered upon registration);
  • Order a letter by mail to your home address.

This is done for the safety of citizens. The data entered during registration will be checked and after some time the account on the State Services portal will start working. Please note: to register at the clinic, you need to enter all the suggested points: health insurance policy number, SNILS.

What does a fluorography image show?

If you want to know what fluorography is and why it is needed, you should familiarize yourself with the information that will become known as a result of the diagnosis. As a rule, fluorography is used to examine the chest organs, and is more often used to diagnose tuberculosis or neoplasms. It allows you to detect a lot of deviations, while the doctor has the opportunity to assess the condition of the chest structures, and he can prescribe treatment tactics adequate to the disease. You can familiarize yourself with the pathologies that such diagnostics can identify below.

It is worth familiarizing yourself not only with how often lung fluorography can be done, but also with its interpretation. This kind of work is quite difficult. The thing is that a number of special notations are used, summarized in tables. The interpretation is carried out by a radiologist; as a rule, the conclusion is given to the patient 10-20 minutes after the procedure. If deviations from the norm are detected, decoding can take up to several days, after which the results of the examination will be transferred to the patient.

The task of every person who cares about their own health is to undergo an annual preventive examination, thanks to which it is possible to detect diseases of various organs even at the asymptomatic stage of their development. The list of mandatory diagnostic procedures includes fluorographic examination of the chest organs. Interpretation of fluorography results allows one to assess the current condition of the patient’s lungs, heart, and bone tissue of the thoracic spine.

What does the service provide?

Almost every region of the country supports the ability to make an appointment at a hospital using GI. To do this, you must have a confirmed account in the service, that is, it must contain information about the passport and insurance policy of the applicant.

Emelyanenko Natalya Leonidovna

Worked as a legal assistant in a law firm for 6 years

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This method of getting a place in the queue is no different from physically visiting the registry. However, there is an advantage - the citizen will not have to wait in an additional line at the registry.

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What is research

Fluorography is a type of x-ray examination, the essence of which is to photograph on a fluorescent screen an image of internal organs obtained as a result of the passage of x-ray radiation through the body. For comparison: during radiography, the rays pass through the organs being examined and immediately affect the film on which the image is formed.

Since the sensitivity of the screen is lower than that of film, with fluorography the radiation exposure to the body is higher than with radiography: 0.5 mSv and 0.3 mSv (millisieverts), respectively.

There are film and digital fluorography. In the first case, the image is projected onto a small-format film, and in the second - onto a computer screen (such a picture can be stored electronically in the database of a medical institution or printed).

Codes and ciphers in the picture

The patient, having received the finished result of a fluorographic examination, can see a combination of numbers on it. The fact is that, having assessed the finished image, the radiologist makes his conclusion. To indicate exactly what changes in the tissues of internal organs were detected, the specialist uses generally accepted digital codes. Fluorography codes are deciphered as follows:

01 – a ring-shaped cavity or shadow is detected in the image;

02 – a darkened area is visualized in the lung tissue;

03 – there are focal changes in the lung tissue;

04 – the shadow of the mediastinum (the space between the lungs and the heart) is expanded, the size of the lung root is increased;

05 – an accumulation of fluid was detected in the pleural cavity (the membrane covering the lungs and the wall of the chest cavity);

06 – there are pronounced fibrous changes in the lung tissue;

07 – limited fibrotic changes are visualized in the lung tissues;

08 – the transparency of the lung tissue is increased due to widespread or local emphysema (excessive accumulation of air);

09 – pronounced calcifications, adhesions and other changes in the pleura were revealed;

10 – there are limited calcifications, adhesions and other changes in the pleura;

11 – in the lung tissue there are large multiple (from 5 pieces) petrificates (focal deposits of calcium salts);

12 – large multiple (from 5 pieces) petrificates were found in the roots of the lungs;

How often can fluorography be done?

According to the law, you can undergo x-rays once a year. In this case, no harm to health is created. In addition, this is how long the incubation period lasts for some diseases, including tuberculosis. But there are a number of cases when fluorography is performed more often. This happens if the image is defective and the doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis from it. Also, people with serious chronic pathologies should be examined every 6 months. Thus, the photograph and transcript are valid for one year. Next, the patient comes to see a therapist, and he writes out a referral. The same applies to those cases when you need a certificate ahead of schedule, for example, for employment.

How far in advance can I make an appointment with a doctor?

Step 5 A calendar will appear with available days for recording. They have bold font and are highlighted in white. Below the calendar there is a list of dates with available times for visiting, which you need to approach for an appointment with a doctor. You can look and choose among them. You need to select the appropriate time and click on the button with it.

Symptoms of what diseases are visible in the image?

When the patient is given the results of the study, he is explained what disorder was discovered and which doctor should be contacted in the future. For example, cardiovascular pathology is often visualized on fluorography as a displacement or expansion of the mediastinal shadow - what kind of disease it is can be found out using echocardiography (EchoCG) or other diagnostic methods. An expanded mediastinal shadow is one of the signs of an increase in the size and mass of the heart.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with the essence of changes in the chest organs that fluorography can detect.

Heaviness of the roots of the lungs

Many patients are interested in the question: “On fluorography, the roots are stringy - what is it?” Heaviness often means thickening and nodularity. The roots of the lungs consist of the main bronchi, pulmonary arteries and veins, bronchial arteries and veins, lymph nodes and vessels. If these anatomical structures are compacted, it means that there is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the patient’s lungs (for example, pneumonia or bronchitis).

Changes of this nature are also found in smokers with many years of “experience”. The roots are often compacted in people who work in hazardous chemical industries (for example, when inhaling fumes of gasoline, ammonia, asbestos and other hazardous substances). Notice how the roots of the lungs look heavy in the image.

Pronounced vascular pattern

The vascular picture is formed from the shadows of the pulmonary arteries and veins. If it is clearly visible on the image, this means that the blood supply to the vessels has increased significantly compared to normal. This fluorography conclusion indicates an inflammatory process in the lungs: pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonitis (inflammation of the walls of the alveoli - the end elements of the respiratory apparatus in the lungs, shaped like bubbles).

An overly pronounced vascular pattern appears even in the initial stages of development of a malignant neoplasm in the lungs. To rule out cancer, the patient will need to be tested for cancer markers and undergo a more thorough examination.

A pronounced vascular pattern (see the image below) in the lungs can also be a sign of cardiovascular pathology (in particular, congenital heart defects).

Presence of focal spots

If the results of fluorography indicate the presence of focal spots, this means that small areas of darkening of the pulmonary field are detected in the image. As a rule, the diameter of the spots does not exceed 10 mm. If they are located in the middle or lower part of the lungs, this is a sign of pneumonia, but if in the upper part, this is an x-ray symptom of tuberculosis.

If the inflammatory process is in an active stage, the contours of the darkening zones are uneven, in some places the merging of several spots into one is noticeable, the vascular pattern is too pronounced. When inflammation subsides, the contours of the focal spots are smooth. A small darkened area may indicate the development of a pathological neoplasm in the organ. Below is a picture in which focal spots are clearly visible.

Blackout zones

The large area of ​​darkening in the lungs, which is visible in the image below, can have different sizes and shapes, have thinned or thickened, smooth or uneven edges. When answering the question of how to decipher fluorography, which contains darkened zones, it should be pointed out that pneumonia and tuberculosis most often manifest themselves this way.

Presence of fibrous tissue in the lungs

A type of connective tissue that is made up of collagen fibers and has high strength is called fibrous tissue. It appears as a result of injuries suffered by a person, acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the lungs, or surgical intervention.

Fibrous tissue replaces damaged cells and protects healthy tissue from the source of pathology. Therefore, such a fluorography result can be detected in a recovered person. What fibrosis looks like in the picture, see below.

Calcifications in the lungs

Fluorography with a description containing the word “calcifications” means that small round shadows have been identified in the lungs, comparable in density to bone tissue. Their presence indicates that the person had previously had contact with patients with pneumonia or tuberculosis, but he himself did not develop the disease (pay attention to the picture below).

Calcifications consist of calcium salts that surrounded the infection that had entered the body and, thus, completely isolated it (“preserved”).

Adhesions and pleuroapical layers

Interpretation of fluorography of the lungs may contain an indication of the presence of adhesions. They are a proliferation of connective tissue and appear as a result of an inflammatory process suffered by the patient previously. An adhesive process detected on fluorography in most cases does not require medical intervention.

Sometimes connective tissue growths cause significant discomfort to a person, causing chest pain and breathing problems. In this case, it is necessary to seek medical help and undergo a more thorough diagnosis.

Pleuroapical layers are thickenings of the apices of the lungs. Like adhesions, they are signs of previous inflammation that has spread to the pleura. Most often, pleuroapical layers appear after pulmonary tuberculosis. The extensive adhesive process is shown in the photo below.

Deformity of the thoracic spine

Decoding the numbers 21 according to the results of fluorography is a deformation of the spine in the thoracic region. Since the bones are clearly visible in the image, the radiologist will be able to notice scoliosis. Curvature occurs as a result of displacement of the vertebrae to the left or right side relative to their axis.

Indications for use

This aspect deserves special attention. Fluorography is intended for early diagnosis of various ailments of the respiratory system. For the purpose of prevention, every person can undergo examination, but there are a number of cases when it is mandatory.

Doctors prescribe it to patients with the following diseases:

  • any form of tuberculosis;
  • bronchogenic carcinoma;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • various diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • previous respiratory tract pathologies;
  • HIV;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • carriage of Koch's bacillus.

In addition, undergoing fluorography is a prerequisite before the upcoming cytostatic radiation therapy, as well as when symptoms such as shortness of breath and severe cough appear that do not go away over a long period of time.

Is it possible to undergo fluorography without a referral? Yes, but there is one important nuance here. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, people working with the homeless or in hazardous industries, as well as kindergarten teachers and teachers at schools and universities, must undergo an annual examination. The same applies to the students themselves. In this case, you do not need to make an appointment with the doctor in advance to receive a referral. After the due date, you can immediately come to the X-ray room with your medical card and undergo an examination. We will talk about this in more detail below.

How to make an appointment with a doctor through government services?

Step 2 Registration takes place online. At the top, click the site map block (line icon, next to the magnifying glass icon). Next, click on the services item. You can also find the option to make an appointment / make an appointment with a doctor on the main page. Usually in the windows "popular .

There are several items on the page. Number 1 is the question of whether there is an attachment to a medical organization. Usually the checkbox on the left is selected automatically, but sometimes, for various reasons, there is an empty cell there. Then you must first come to the registry office yourself, where you want to get medical help, to register.

You will need the following documents (yours or your child’s):

  • Passport;
  • Medical policy;
  • Snils;
  • Birth certificate (if a child under 14 years old is attached).

The data will be entered and in a few days you will be able to register.

  • Type of service receipt – select the “Electronic recording” item;
  • On the right side there will be a blue “Sign up” button. Click on it.

Form 086/U

Certificate 086/у is included in the list of documents required for admission to higher education institutions. In addition, it may be required when applying for a job in some organizations.

This certificate, in addition to general information about patients, indicates a medical opinion from the following doctors:

  • Therapist.
  • Surgeon.
  • Neuropathologist.
  • Oculist.
  • Otolaryngologist.
  • Other specialists (if necessary).

In addition, information about laboratory tests performed (fluorography, blood/urine tests) is indicated and a medical opinion about the prof. is given. suitability.

Order a certificate 086

Which doctors can I make an appointment with through government services?

Step 3

  1. At the top you will be able to select the region in which the medical facility is located. Usually it is set automatically; if not, you need to enter a city or region.
  2. Below you need to select who needs to see a doctor. You need to select the “Me” option. If you need to make an appointment for a child, select the “To another person” option and enter the details of his documents.
  3. After filling out this information, a window with the data you entered during registration will appear. Double check them. If necessary, you can make changes by clicking on “Edit data” in the upper corner of this window.
  4. Click the “Next” button.

Certificate of pregnancy for other needs

This type of certificate may be required for the expectant mother to present to the employer (according to current legislation, pregnant women must be transferred to light forms of labor).

Contains information about the patient and the antenatal clinic where the expectant mother is registered, as well as the expected duration of pregnancy.

In addition, the date of the subsequent ultrasound examination may be indicated here, as well as information about the condition of the fetus.

Order a certificate

Certificate from the medical commission

Provides the patient with exemption from physical education for a certain period.

Order a certificate

Medical certificates with delivery throughout St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

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