3shape Trios scanner – 3D scanning of teeth instead of impressions

3D scanning of teeth using 3shape Trios: with the participation of experienced specialists, using digital technology and a guarantee of highly accurate results.

As is known, in order to create a high-quality orthopedic structure in the laboratory, it is first necessary to accurately make an impression of the teeth. This point is very important for every patient, since the comfort and duration of further use of the prostheses depends on it.

Unfortunately, the classic procedure of taking an impression is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations for dental visitors. This may be due to the insertion of an impression tray into the oral cavity, which causes a gag reflex in many patients, or the occurrence of errors that provoke the need for multiple visits to a specialist.

To avoid such discomfort, it is advisable to carry out a dental scan, which is based on the use of a special laser device and computer equipment. This innovative method of research allows you to obtain the most accurate result in just one visit to the clinic, which significantly improves the quality and service life of future prostheses.

Our Implantmaster dental clinic also uses a digital impression procedure. We use the improved 3shape TRIOS device in our work, which allows us to avoid repeated visits to a specialist and eliminate any possible errors in the further installation of crowns. Thanks to the participation of experienced specialists who are fluent in the necessary knowledge and skills, you can count on professional diagnostics in the shortest possible time.

Next, we will describe in detail the features of the 3shape Trios scanner, introduce you to the advantages of its use, provide information on existing prices and present the opinions of well-known specialists in the field of orthodontics.

What is the 3shape Trios dental scanner?

Today it is possible to obtain a detailed image of the patient’s oral cavity and immediately send it to the laboratory using the Internet. This chance is given to everyone by the latest optical device - the 3shape trios scanner.

The process of manufacturing an orthopedic structure begins only after receiving an image in digital format.

When such a dental scan is performed, a prerequisite is the use of not only laser equipment, but also special computer equipment and software. Since the main objective of this procedure is to obtain a digital image and eliminates the need to create a physical impression, the patient can avoid any discomfort associated with classical manipulation. An important advantage in favor of an intraoral 3D scanner is the absence of the need for a second visit to a specialist and a minimal period of stay in the dentist’s office.
At the same time, the result, which arrives to the laboratory in digital form, does not require manual processing, which avoids any errors and inaccuracies.

Painlessness of the computed tomography procedure

Modern medicine offers many options for oral examinations to obtain detailed information about the condition of periodontal tissues, all of which are safe and painless. While standing near the device, the patient does not experience any discomfort or pain, there is no dizziness or nausea. It only takes one minute to take pictures, so no need to worry.

Many patients are afraid of having a CT scan because they mistakenly compare it to an MRI. However, these are two completely different procedures! During a CT scan, a person is in an open space with only a small device in front of his eyes, while during a magnetic resonance imaging scan he is placed in a closed device. That is why even claustrophobia is not a contraindication to computer examination.

You can obtain the necessary data without psychological or physical inconvenience, pain and fear. In addition, the state of health does not change in any way even some time after diagnosis. The patient can drive a personal vehicle without fear, his consciousness is not confused, there is no loss of coordination of movements.

Stages of digital dental scanning

Next, we will explain the process of manufacturing an orthopedic product using the 3shape trios laser device. It involves performing several sequential steps:

1 . Preparation. Before taking dental scans instead of impressions , the doctor determines the area he will be dealing with and also finds out what materials will be used to make the dentures. After that, he turns on the computer, launches the desired application and prepares the device for operation.

2. Next, a 3D scanning of the teeth is performed, the fundamental purpose of which is to obtain a digital image with maximum accuracy. The entire process of creating an image takes no more than 30-40 minutes. It is possible to eliminate the likelihood of discomfort, minimize the stress factor, and also create a clear digital image in a short time thanks to a miniature sensor with an integrated small camera.

3. After receiving a virtual impression, the specialist analyzes the individual characteristics of the structure of the jaw system. If no abnormalities are detected during this process, the digital image is sent to a laboratory for the development of veneers or crowns. Dental implants are installed during your second dental visit.


The cost of 3D computed tomography of teeth in Moscow averages 2500-5000 rubles, depending on the scope of the diagnosis.

The price for a dental photograph at the Moscow Center for Dental Implantology RUTT starts from 1,300 rubles - depending on the scope of the examination.

Interpretation, assessment or marking for implantation, regardless of the size of the area under study, during treatment in our clinics is carried out free of charge.

CT scans can be taken on any day, including weekends and holidays. You can make an appointment for diagnostics by phone or by leaving a request online.

Description of the radiologist (assessment and/or marking for implantation) regardless of the size of the area being examined during treatment in our clinicsfrom 0 rub.
CT scanfrom 1,300 rub.
3D tomography of 1 to 3 teeth (6*6 cm) with recording on CDfrom 4,000 rub.
CBCT area 7.5*14.5 cm (both jaws) + recording on CDfrom 4,000 rub.
CBCT of both TMJs + recording on CD and/or sending by emailfrom 4,000 rub.
3D tomography of 1 jaw with recording on CDfrom 5,000 rub.
3D tomography of the temporomandibular joint with recording on CDfrom 5,000 rub.
Evaluation and marking for implantation of 3 teeth with printing on filmfrom 5,000 rub.
Assessment and marking for implantation of 1 jaw or 2 jaws (on 1 side) with printing on filmfrom 7,500 rub.
3D tomography of the paranasal sinuses with recording on CDfrom 10,000 rub.
Linear tomography of the temporomandibular joint with recording on CDfrom 12,000 rub.
Assessment and marking for implantation of 2 jaws with printing on filmfrom 15,000 rub.
3D tomography of the 2nd jaw, TMJ, including sinuses (13.00*14.5 cm) with recording on CDfrom 20,000 rub.

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three ROOTT specialists + diagnostics as a gift

Our team of doctors

Maxillofacial surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Experience: 11 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilievich

Experience: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Alexandrovna

Experience: 22 years

Orthopedic dentist

Tsoi Sergey Konstantinovich

Experience: 19 years

Endodontist, Therapist, Orthopedist

Varvyanskaya Anastasia Andreevna

Experience: 6 years


Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Experience: 3 years

An effective way to fix dental implants

An important point is that 3D scanning of teeth can also be used when installing crowns on implants. In this case, it is possible to obtain a digital abutment, which is fixed to the implant in a special computer program. However, it should be remembered that the virtual version is not applicable to all implantation systems. Strauman dental implants are among the most universal designs that have all the necessary virtual copies. In this situation, intraoral examination allows us to determine the shade and shape of the future prosthesis, which will subsequently be installed on the adapter.

Also considered unique is the fact that possible inaccuracies can be avoided and stress factors can be eliminated at the planning stage, when it is necessary to clearly determine the location of the future structure on the bone tissue. This is facilitated by the use of an intraoral 3D scanner, which allows you to take an accurate picture of the jaw and digitally design the area of ​​fixation of the dental implant. Next, with the help of special computer technology, information is supplied to the appropriate device, allowing you to create a template, thanks to which the specialist has the opportunity to fix the implant in the bone tissue as clearly as possible. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that the 3shape Trios scanner plays a vital role in the implantation procedure: it eliminates the risk of any inaccuracies at the planning stage, and also helps prevent errors in the manufacture of the implant prosthesis. As a result, the patient receives a full guarantee of a successful result and gains confidence in the perfection of the dental restoration procedures performed.

Indications for 3D computed tomography

The main indications for such an examination are various diseases of the oral cavity. The most common of them include the following: the presence of partially or completely impacted units, for example, eights growing in the wrong place of the teeth, bite pathologies, disruption of the mandibular joint, fractures after injuries, as well as photographs are necessary before complex surgical interventions.

In terms of information content and quality of images, CT is significantly superior to X-rays and orthopantomograms. This is very important for full preparation for the installation of implants, that is, titanium tooth root replacements. Diagnostics makes it possible to detect the presence of cysts, cracks, tumors even at the initial stage. Using CT, the doctor can examine existing tissue diseases and assess their severity.

It is also necessary to carry out this procedure before increasing bone tissue using any of the available methods. Of course, a classic X-ray image shows the bone well, but a CT scan can also tell you everything about soft tissues, blood vessels, nerve endings and mucous membranes. The slightest changes will be reflected immediately.

3shape Trios scanner in digital orthodontics

Modern orthodontic methods allow the use of not only standard braces, but also innovative aligners - overlays made of transparent material. As a result, the patient ceases to be embarrassed by the presence of orthodontic devices in the oral cavity and he has the opportunity to preserve the aesthetic component.

But the above-mentioned aligners, which are among the most advanced systems for restoring normal occlusion, can only be performed after taking physical impressions. This method, as stated earlier, is associated with a number of unpleasant aspects for patients and may be associated with the risk of errors.

As we have already said, 3D scanning of teeth allows you to avoid such shortcomings and discomfort. In addition, this technique opens up wide opportunities for studying the primary process of teeth closure in a virtual format, as well as for analyzing the likelihood of malocclusion. Also, the involvement of the 3shape Trios 3D scanner will allow for a comparative assessment of the current state of the teeth at different stages of occlusion restoration and predict the outcome of treatment. Consequently, the presented technique creates the prerequisites for the optimal choice of orthodontic treatment method for the patient, and gives confidence to the doctor in the success of the procedures performed.

How is a CT scan done?

A dental computed tomography machine resembles an orthopantomograph. The process itself is simple: the person stands or sits. The patient's neck and chest are protected with a special apron with a lead layer. The subject rests against the frontal support, which, together with the chin and temple supports, provides reliable fixation of the head; hands on the handrails; firmly holds a special contact segment with his teeth. Based on the required shooting mode and frequency, the patient must remain motionless in this position for 15-25 seconds, during which the device’s planar sensor will make a full revolution around the subject’s head. In these few seconds, up to two hundred photographs are taken in various projections.

It takes several minutes to process the received information and build a multidimensional model; the CT scan is recorded on disk. After 5-10 minutes, accurate data on the current condition of the teeth and jaws is ready, the doctor can, based on it, make a final diagnosis and prescribe treatment or monitor the therapy already completed.

Advantages of the 3shape Trios intraoral scanner

Summing up the above, we can say with confidence that the 3shape Trios scanner is an innovative device that significantly simplifies the procedure for taking dental impressions. Using this method, the doctor has the opportunity to study any complex areas in the oral cavity that cannot be recreated using traditional techniques. Also, the advantages that an intraoral dental scanner provides include:

  • High scanning speed. The intraoral scanner significantly reduces the period of taking impressions, providing increased comfort for patients and medical specialists;
  • The ability to clearly recreate the shape and shades of natural teeth, which has a positive effect on the treatment result;
  • The ability to use an intraoral scanner for those dental visitors who experience severe discomfort during the standard procedure for taking impressions: they may experience a gag reflex when inserting an impression tray, difficulty breathing through the nose, etc.


3D tomography has no absolute contraindications. Of course, it will be quite difficult to conduct research for those patients who suffer from mental disorders and have problems with the nervous system, because you need to remain motionless in the specialist’s office. As for radiation exposure, it is minimal (no more than 0.06 mSv). As you know, the maximum recommended threshold is 1 mSv per year, that is, several times more. Of course, compared to regular x-rays, the radiation will be stronger.

That is why even tomography has some contraindications. It is not recommended to conduct an examination while pregnant, especially in the first and last trimesters. A true professional always assesses with maximum responsibility the balance between the benefits and harms of radiation on the body, so a CT scan will not be performed unless absolutely necessary.

In the case where the patient needs to undergo tomography using a contrast agent, the list of contraindications can be expanded. Thus, it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with allergic reactions to the substances used, diabetes, problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, etc. Before starting treatment, it is very important to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, as well as if you have been allergic to them.

Cost of using digital scanning for prosthetics

At the Implantmaster clinic, teeth scanning for prosthetics is completely free!


Metal-free ceramic crown based on zirconium dioxide28 000 ₽
Metal-free ceramic crown E-MAX31 000 ₽

Crowns on implants

Metal-free ceramic crown on a zirconium dioxide implant30 500 ₽
Metal-free ceramic crown on a Zirconium Dioxide implant with screw fixation37 500 ₽


Ceramic veneer “CEREC” (from zirconium dioxide, made using CAD/CAM technology)25 000 ₽
Ultraneers “E-Max” (made of glass ceramics based on lithium disilicate, does not require grinding of tooth enamel)31 000 ₽
Ceramic veneer on refractory (made of feldspathic ceramics, does not require grinding of tooth enamel)50 000 ₽

An important “advantage” that the 3shape intraoral scanner allows you to obtain is the absence of shortcomings in the design of crowns, bridges and veneer plates, as well as the chance to install prostheses at a reasonable cost.

At the Implantmaster dental clinic you can undergo prosthetics at affordable prices. If you need to install zirconium crowns, we are ready to offer ultra-modern metal-free ceramics at a cost of RUB 28,000 . It is ideal for fixing orthopedic structures in the lateral area of ​​the dentition. Crowns of this type are processed by a computer program. The basis is a zirconium dioxide blank, which includes several layers of different colors. This allows you to get a prosthesis of the desired shade and eliminates the need to tint the ceramic material. At the same time, the possibility of human participation is not provided.

If a patient needs to fix a zirconium crown in the area of ​​the front teeth, then in this case it is better to resort to complex technology. In this case, to create the frame of the prosthesis, a 3D model of the teeth is used, designed by scanning and manufactured by a computer program, and the outer part of the crown will be covered with ceramics to achieve ideal aesthetics. The cost of prosthetics with a similar metal-free crown in our clinic is 31,000 rubles.

If there is no need to completely grind down a natural tooth, it is advisable to install veneer plates on its outer part. In Implantmaster dentistry, the price of a ceramic veneer is set at 25,000 rubles. If the prosthesis is planned to be fixed to an implant, zirconium crowns obtained using an intraoral scanner can also be used. The cost of such a prosthesis in our clinic is equal to 30,500 rubles .

Reviews from leading dentists about the 3shape Trios intraoral scanner

According to Dr. David Gishe (USA): “The process of creating prostheses based on virtual scanning contributes to significant savings in financial costs and time spent on producing impressions using a standard procedure.”

“Using 3shape implant studio provides instant communication with the orthodontist. This allows us to count on more productive cooperation and a high percentage of positive results,” says Ari Sciacca (Australia).

According to Jonathan L. Ferentz , a dental specialist at Prostodon (USA): “When making a standard dental impression, inaccurate results often occur. When intraoral scanners are used in dentistry, any errors and errors are eliminated. This is an important part of the future of successful prosthetics.”

“Thanks to the use of an intraoral scanner in dentistry, I am able to minimize the appointment time to 30 minutes. In this case, you can count on more accurate results and patient satisfaction,” says Dr. Simon Kold from Denmark.


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