How to do fluorography in a clinic without a doctor’s referral

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This type of examination, such as fluorography, is prescribed if necessary to examine the lungs. It helps diagnose tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, diseases of the heart and large vessels, neoplasms of the lungs and mediastinal organs.

The picture shows:

  • Tumors,
  • Late stages of inflammation
  • Fibrosis and sclerosis,
  • Pathological cavities (cyst, abscess, cavity),
  • Air or fluid in anatomical spaces,
  • Foreign bodies.

How to sign up for fluorography through State Services at a clinic using the Internet

In the world of digital technologies, paperwork is gradually disappearing, which greatly simplifies life not only for citizens of the country, but also for authorized departments.

Almost all state and municipal services are switching to electronic format. The reform also affected healthcare. The coupon can be obtained remotely without much difficulty, but this function does not apply to all doctors and procedures.

From the article you will learn how to sign up for fluorography through government services and whether it is possible.

Who can apply for the service

Fluorography is a procedure for checking the respiratory and chest organs. The analysis is performed using X-rays that pass through the human body. With the help of the service, a serious disease or distortion can be identified in the early stages, which leads to timely treatment.

A similar procedure is available to every citizen of the Russian Federation, because according to the legislation of the country, the entire population has the right to free medical care under a compulsory insurance policy.

If you do not have this document on hand, then services will be provided on a paid basis.

The policy is valid throughout the state and you can receive qualified assistance in any region; refusal is equivalent to a violation of human rights and carries consequences.

Respiratory screening is a mandatory item on medical examination cards when entering work or other institutions, so the service is open to all adults, as well as to foreigners with official proof of presence in the country. It should be borne in mind that such a procedure relates to a narrow specialization and it is not possible to sign up for it directly, but there are a number of exceptions, which we will discuss below.

Due to a certain risk and radiation exposure, a number of restrictions are imposed on the service and the following persons are not allowed to use it:

  1. The procedure is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.
  2. Women who are pregnant. The restrictions apply only to the period from 20 to 21 weeks, because it is during this period that the formation of the child’s internal organs occurs, and irradiation can lead to serious consequences. Pregnant women are not allowed to undergo x-rays without an official referral from the attending physician.
  3. It is recommended not to perform surgery while children are breastfeeding.
  4. People with a fear of closed spaces.

Is it possible to sign up for fluorography without a doctor’s referral?

Many citizens are interested in one simple question: is it worth getting a referral from a therapist to sign up for fluorography.

The Ministry of Health has issued a recommendation according to which you can perform chest X-rays no more than once or twice per calendar year.

In this case, you can be accepted without problems, but in the clinic to which you are attached. Another hospital may require you to provide an official statement from a doctor.

On the territory of Russia, the following categories of the population are allowed to undergo the procedure without a therapist’s recommendation:

  1. Employees and workers of educational, children's institutions, representatives of companies and catering organizations and stores.
  2. Visitors who have been diagnosed with a chronic respiratory disease.
  3. Citizens with a confirmed diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.
  4. If you are undergoing radiation therapy.

Other consumers can order lung images without a referral no more than once. In practice, everything depends on the medical institution; in some institutions it is enough to provide a passport and a compulsory insurance policy to receive the service, but in others, on the contrary, they require a written recommendation from the attending physician.

As for paid appointments, consumers can book the procedure an unlimited number of times depending on their wallet capacity.

Sign up for fluorography through State Services

The unified portal of public services is a modern tool for processing documents and drawing up applications to almost all departments and government agencies. Currently, you can make an appointment with a doctor remotely from anywhere, without being geographically assigned to a specific region. It is enough to have access to the network and a mobile phone or computer.

The fluorography service is an additional highly specialized procedure, so it is impossible to obtain a coupon for the procedure using the electronic service.

There is only one way, consisting of several successive steps.

First, you need to make an appointment with a therapist in your clinic, and then get a referral and permission from him to conduct an X-ray of the respiratory organs.

First of all, you need to register on a single service.

In the authorization window, enter your first and last name, cell phone number and email address. Confirm your login using the security code, which will arrive in the form of an SMS alert.

From now on, a simplified page is open for you; to get the maximum, enter your SNILS and passport data in the parameters of your personal account. The final stage is to visit the MFC department and activate your profile.

The option of remote recording is now open to you. Below we consider a detailed list of actions.

Step-by-step instruction

An online appointment with a specialist in Moscow is as follows:

  1. Log in to your account and provide your password.
  2. In the main service window, select the services item at the top of the screen.
  3. Available categories of functions will appear in front of you, we need health.
  4. In the next window, select the option to make an appointment with a specialist.
  5. After this, you will see a detailed procedure for receiving an electronic service and its restrictions.
  6. The next step is to fill out the application. Please indicate your service region.
  7. Next, you need to choose for whom the number is issued.
  8. After this, you need to register personal information and information from documents. Be sure to write down the compulsory medical insurance policy number, which is a unique identifier and is located on the back of the card.
  9. A virtual map will appear below, where you need to select the department of the clinic to which you are attached. Please note that online booking is only available at the hospital where you are registered.
  10. Select the category of services and the doctor's specialty, for example, therapist.
  11. Select a suitable specialist from the list, and then mark the desired date on the calendar and select a free appointment time.
  12. Submit your application for consideration. If necessary, the coupon can be printed.

As soon as the time comes, come to the clinic and ask the therapist to write you a referral for a respiratory examination. Residents of Moscow can make a reservation using the website, which has a similar feature.

The article looked at how to sign up for fluorography through government services on the Internet.

Unfortunately, such a procedure is not implemented on a single portal in electronic format, but it is possible to carry out it in several stages, first make an appointment with a therapist, and from him receive an official recommendation for an X-ray of the lungs. It should be borne in mind that it is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than twice a year, so as not to cause damage to health due to the radiation dose.


Is it possible to undergo fluorography without a doctor’s referral?

Fluorography (without a doctor’s referral or according to indications) is a fairly reliable way to diagnose lung diseases. It allows early detection of dangerous pathologies such as tuberculosis or oncology, but can also be used to determine chronic pulmonary diseases.

Why, who and how can you undergo fluorography without a referral?

Fluorography is used to identify dangerous diseases of the respiratory system before their clinical manifestation. If, after suffering from a cold, a cough appears that does not disappear within 2 weeks, then this will be a sufficient reason to undergo a fluorographic examination without first visiting a therapist.

According to WHO recommendations, the FLG procedure is recommended to be performed once every 2 years. But some of the adult population does not live at their place of registration and may encounter problems while on vacation or a business trip. Such patients are interested in whether a referral from a doctor is needed for an examination.

In Russia, annual research is allowed without a referral from a therapist for the following categories of the population:

  • patients with established diagnoses of chronic lung diseases;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people undergoing radiation therapy or taking corticosteroid drugs;
  • employees of children's institutions and catering establishments, grocery stores, etc.

Other groups of the population can also undergo fluorographic examination once a year without a referral. Sometimes the procedure is necessary to obtain a medical certificate when applying for a job. It is mandatory at the birth of a child: both parents must undergo the examination.

To carry out the procedure in the clinic to which the person is assigned at his place of residence, you need to contact the reception desk. Each locality has its own rules for undergoing physical examination; the office may be absent or under renovation, but the reception staff always know where you can be examined independently and free of charge, having only a passport with registration and a medical insurance policy.

The procedure is easiest to undergo without a referral from a specialized specialist and not at your place of residence (in a foreign city) in a paid clinic. But the service is provided free of charge to applicants and students of all educational institutions. Based on the law on the prevention of tuberculosis in Russia, the procedure will be carried out free of charge at the local tuberculosis dispensary, even without registration and a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Contraindications for the study

The procedure is harmless and has no absolute contraindications. Due to radiation exposure, it is not recommended for children under 15 years of age. The possible presence of pathological changes in them can be determined using ultrasound. Fluorography is carried out with caution:

  1. During pregnancy. Before the period of 20-21 weeks, the study is not prescribed so as not to disrupt the process of formation of the organs and systems of the fetus. After this period, the procedure is considered safe and can be prescribed by a doctor. You should not undergo FLG on your own during pregnancy.
  2. Lactation is not a contraindication, but experts advise expressing all milk after the procedure. Feed only the next portion.
  3. The study is conditionally contraindicated for persons suffering from claustrophobia. If you feel short of air, it is best to interrupt the procedure.
  4. If the patient’s condition is serious, the procedure is not performed due to the inability of the person to be in an upright position.

If you have doubts about the state of your health or warning symptoms of pulmonary pathologies (cough, shortness of breath, weakness, temperature, etc.), you should not refuse the examination. The radiation dose during fluorography is small, and the time allotted for the study is about 1-2 minutes.

How to do fluorography in a clinic without a referral: paid or free?

Fluorographic examination of the lungs is a planned procedure that is mandatory during medical examinations of the population.

At the place of residence, with registration and in the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy, it is required to be carried out free of charge, even without a referral for fluorography: in a clinic where the patient goes to see a local therapist.

You can also exercise the right to a free procedure at a tuberculosis clinic, and for rural residents it is possible to visit an institution in the regional center.

The administration of large organizations and enterprises provides employees with the opportunity to undergo a free annual health check at the place of work. There is a practice of calling mobile FLG points (mobile offices). If the examination at the place of work was missed, you can get a free service both at your clinic and at a dispensary without a doctor’s referral.

You can undergo a paid lung examination at any private medical institution that has the appropriate equipment. Prices for the service can fluctuate greatly: between 100-1100 rubles and depend only on the decision of the administration.

How to undergo fluorography without a referral correctly

In order not to waste time visiting a medical facility again, you need to follow a few simple rules that will allow you to receive a free service without a referral or not pay for it twice. These rules include preparation for the procedure and the availability of the necessary documents.

Is advance preparation required?

Before the FLG examination, you do not need to follow any diets, take special medications or carry out preparatory procedures. When choosing a study at a clinic at your place of residence, you need to know what documents are needed to undergo fluorography:

  • passport with registration;
  • compulsory health insurance policy (CHI).

If you have these documents, you can go straight to the office and receive the service. Most often it is carried out even without prior registration.

Before fluorography, you should not wear clothes with large metal buttons, zippers, rivets or other dense parts, otherwise the doctor will ask you to undress. Neck jewelry or a brooch will also interfere with exploration. If the patient wants to undergo the procedure without undressing, then they should come in a thin turtleneck or T-shirt. The woman will have to unfasten her bra.

What should be done in the fluorography room?

If necessary, the specialist will ask you to remove outer clothing and jewelry that may distort the photo. When the patient is prepared, he will be asked to approach the device screen and take a special position: move his shoulders slightly forward.

The requirement to breathe and not breathe is mandatory. The immobility of the organ will allow you to get a clear image on the first try. You will only have to hold your breath for a few seconds. After this, the doctor will tell you when you can come for the result.

Is it possible to take a fluorogram on the same day as other procedures?

When undergoing a medical examination, you have to save time and undergo several procedures at once. If an FLG study has been completed, then X-ray diagnostics or CT scanning are not recommended. These types of studies involve exposure of the body to hard radiation, and the total dose can be quite high.

After the fluorograph, you can take any tests and visit the offices of any specialists. The study does not in any way affect the patient’s blood or urine, his vision, nervous system or heart activity.


Purpose of the study

The study is used to conduct mass medical examinations for preventive purposes. The specificity of fluorography allows it to be used as a screening test for the purpose of early diagnosis of diseases, primarily cancer and pulmonary tuberculosis. To fully monitor your health, it is recommended to conduct a fluorographic examination of the chest organs once a year.

Doubts that people constantly have about the safety of fluorography arise for several reasons: firstly, in some cases a certificate of fluorography is required, but it is not recommended to do this procedure more than once a year. Secondly, in the process of fluorographic examination, the body is exposed to radioactive radiation, and this phrase scares everyone without exception. So, why is fluorography needed, is it possible to do without it, and does it cause any harm to the body?

Fluorography is a study of the chest organs performed using x-rays that pass through the human body and, due to uneven absorption, produce a visible image on a fluorescent screen. There are two types of fluorography - film and digital, but digital has recently gradually replaced film, as it is superior to it in a number of parameters: it allows you to reduce the radiation load on the body, and also simplifies working with the image.

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What does fluorography show?

First of all, fluorographic examination is used to identify all kinds of diseases: tuberculosis, malignant tumors, etc. Fluorography is a preventive research method; it does not provide a sufficiently unambiguous picture for making a diagnosis, but it allows one to detect deviations.

For example, connective fibers in the lungs and bronchi, compaction of the roots, increased vascular pattern, the presence of fibrous tissue, foci of inflammation, adhesions on the pleura of the lungs, etc. The detection of one of these problems on a fluorographic drawing (image) is an indication for a more detailed examination with the participation of a specialized doctor.

How often do you need to undergo fluorography?

Patients with tuberculosis and people with other respiratory diseases. — Workers of tuberculosis dispensaries, sanatoriums, maternity hospitals, etc. — Patients with serious chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, ulcers, etc.). — Workers in areas where the possibility of tuberculosis infection and its spread is increased (kindergarten teachers).

If you do not fall into one of these categories, for preventive respiratory health you only need to undergo fluorography once a year.


Age. Children under 15 years of age do not undergo fluorography. Pregnancy. Pregnant women are prescribed fluorography only in the second half of the term and only in exceptional cases. Some serious illnesses. In such cases, all studies - including fluorography - are agreed upon with the patient’s attending physician.

Is there any harm?

According to the regulatory documents of the Republic of Belarus, for patients who undergo X-ray diagnostic examinations for preventive purposes, the dose control level is 1.5 mSv/year. The effective equivalent dose (EDD) when performing digital fluorography is on average 0.04 mSv (37.5 times less than the permissible level of radiation during preventive examinations).

For comparison: - On average, the dose received by an inhabitant of our planet from natural sources of ionizing radiation is 2.4 (in Russia 3.43) mSv per year, that is, approximately 60 (in Russia 85) times greater than the dose received when performing 1 preventive fluorographic examination.

Maximum permissible dose (MAD) is the maximum value of an individual equivalent dose per calendar year, which, when exposed for 50 years, does not cause adverse changes in human health that can be detected by modern methods. For irradiation of the whole body and for group I critical organs, the maximum permissible limit is 50 mSv (5 rem) per year (1250 digital fluorographs).

In general, even if you have undergone other studies related to radiation exposure throughout the year, fluorography itself is not capable of causing any noticeable harm to your body.

How often can fluorography of the lungs be done? There is no doubt that this procedure is not harmless: it uses X-ray radiation - and today no one needs to explain exactly how it affects the human body. But everyone also knows that there are “dangerous” and “safe” doses of radiation.

  • Age – up to 15 years;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Oncological and other diseases, including respiratory ones: in this case, admission or non-admission to fluorography is determined by the doctor.

Also, according to the decision of the attending physician, fluorography can be performed more than once a year: if tuberculosis is suspected, for example. If this is a necessary measure, and the risk of radiation exposure to the patient’s health is not as great as the danger of refusing timely diagnosis, less has to be sacrificed.

How to do fluorography in a clinic for free

Where and how to make a free flyer? Is it possible?

I always go to my clinic at my own request once a year. This has already become a habit, since previously, in order to get to any doctor, it was necessary to undergo fluorography of the chest and lungs.

Therapists were especially strict about this and sometimes refused to accept visitors without this examination, that is, without a conclusion issued after undergoing fluorography.

This is due to the fight against the spread of tuberculosis, which has increased so much in recent years.

You can, of course, pay for this examination in our time, but it costs from 400 rubles to 1500.

In order to undergo fluorography for FREE , you need a referral from your local physician.

I even went through without a referral and without an insurance policy, just show your passport to that clinic,

to which you are assigned or at your place of residence.

Fluorography (without a doctor’s referral or according to indications) is a fairly reliable way to diagnose lung diseases. It allows early detection of dangerous pathologies such as tuberculosis or oncology, but can also be used to determine chronic pulmonary diseases.

general information

This article will describe in detail how to do fluorography in a clinic without a referral. But first, let's talk a little about the study itself. According to qualified specialists, it is one of the best for diagnosing many diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, as it is highly accurate and informative.

After fluorography, an x-ray is issued, which shows any pathological changes in the soft tissues and fluid accumulations. Based on this, doctors make a diagnosis, after which they write a detailed transcript, which is attached to the patient’s medical record.

So, we already know that fluorography can be done without a referral. But to get accurate results, it is very important to do the examination correctly. First of all, this concerns smoking. Doctors recommend refraining from a bad habit if you plan to go to the hospital. Smoke can negatively affect the quality of the image, making it impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, you will be sent back for x-rays, so you will have to re-expose your body to harmful radiation.

In addition, there are some laboratory research methods that are not advisable to combine with fluorography. These include:

  • radiography;
  • mammography;
  • metrosalpinography;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • irrigography;
  • cholecystocholangiography;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • CT scan.

The use of several examination methods at once creates too high a radiation dose on the body, which can cause the development of serious diseases. If

Is it possible to do fluorography for free under the compulsory medical insurance policy?

Fluorography is a type of examination that must be completed annually (in some cases, twice a year) by all citizens.

This type of diagnosis allows you to identify respiratory cancer or tuberculosis in the early stages, when there are no symptoms yet, so you should not deliberately refuse it. Fluorography is provided free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

We will find out whether you need a referral from a doctor to have it done without money, and which clinic you need to go to.

Fluorography is an x-ray examination to identify dangerous diseases of the respiratory system. Since the incidence of tuberculosis in Russia is high, timely diagnosis of this disease will prevent the development of the epidemic.

Important! Using fluorography, you can detect not only tuberculosis, but also pneumonia, pleurisy, tumor formations and even some heart diseases.

You can do FLG without a referral, but then you need to find out on your own where to take it and what the conditions are. Some clinics may accept patients on a first-come, first-served basis or only with a voucher. In the latter case, you must first take a coupon for FLG at the reception.

Preparation for fluorography is not required; the only condition that must be observed is to undress to the waist and remove any jewelry that may be on the neck.

Since during FLG a person receives a dose of radiation, it is contraindicated for some categories of citizens. For example, this type of examination is not used for children under 15 years of age. Instead of FLG, an ultrasound is performed.

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication, but after the examination the milk must be expressed and should not be given to the baby. Cough, elevated body temperature, shortness of breath are not a reason to refuse FLG, but, on the contrary, serve as an indication for fluorography.

What documents are needed to do fluorography?

Without these documents, the examination will be denied.

Do I need a compulsory medical insurance policy to get fluorography?

A compulsory health insurance policy is not required if the patient seeks services at a paid clinic. The examination can be provided free of charge under VHI (if the insured person has it).

If the patient does not have an insurance policy, then he will undergo FLG for a fee. To receive the service for free in a public clinic, you must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. You must take this document with you to the examination, otherwise fluorography will be denied.

Note! In the absence of a compulsory medical insurance policy, the patient can only count on ambulance care in the event of a threat to life. All other medical services are provided on a paid basis.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation, so if a patient goes to a clinic in another city, he does not need to pay. Refusal to provide assistance is equivalent to a violation of human rights; you can complain to the regulatory authorities.

This question worries patients the most. It’s a shame if, after taking time off from work and standing in line, you won’t be able to get in for an examination because there is no referral from a doctor.

Article on the topic: Compulsory medical insurance in the insurance company “Rosgostrakh” and how to apply for it

I would like to immediately note that fluorography is a preventive procedure that is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a year. It does not require medical indications, so it is not necessary to take a referral. The examination will be carried out without it, the main thing is that there are other documents.

However, the situation is different, if the patient goes to a clinic other than the place of registration, then the medical staff may require an official referral from the attending physician. If this document is not available, the FLG will be denied.

Note! To make an appointment with a therapist and get a referral from him, you can use the State Services portal. If there is no personal account on the site, you will need to create one.

To do fluorography, you do not need a referral. Every citizen has the right to an X-ray examination of the lungs once a year; no medical indications are needed.

Persons who have been released from prison, personnel working in a tuberculosis clinic, as well as patients with a history of tuberculosis must be examined 2 times a year.

Important! You can undergo fluorography even without a referral or visit to a therapist if, after a cold, a cough appears that does not go away for more than two weeks. This symptom indicates the development of complications in the respiratory system.

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