Fluorography of the chest in children



Cost Reviews Services


In some cases, the only effective way to study pathologies is an x-ray. When prescribing this examination, doctors take into account the relevance of the information received and consider other diagnostic methods (MRI and ultrasound). However, if there is no alternative to x-rays, and the data obtained using x-rays is necessary, this particular study is prescribed.

The Family Doctor clinic offers to give the child an X-ray using modern equipment, with a minimal dose of radiation. The procedure is carried out in a gentle manner with the participation of a highly qualified specialist.


Qualified specialists at our center prescribe examinations if the following diseases are suspected:

  • heart disease;
  • diseases of joints and bones;
  • pneumonia;
  • nasal pathologies;
  • fractures and bone diseases;
  • abnormal kidney development;
  • thymus pathology;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order to avoid standing in lines and save time, we offer a paid x-ray for your child in our clinic in Moscow. The little patient will undergo a safe and high-quality examination in a comfortable and cozy environment. Processing of the results does not take long; parents will be provided with a transcript on the day of application.

The need for fluorography for children

After a child reaches 14-15 years of age, the procedure for taking a Mantoux test loses its relevance, since the child’s body has already suffered an infection, and it will constantly give a positive result. The volume of the lungs in adolescents reaches the size of adults and possible changes will be clearly visible in the image. Typically, doctors decide to perform fluorography with the following symptoms:

  • If the child’s cough continues for more than three days;
  • Pain in the chest area with a dry cough;
  • The cough becomes paroxysmal and is accompanied by a low-grade fever of 37-37.8 degrees for more than two weeks.

The fluorography procedure can also detect the following diseases:

  • Respiratory tract lesions that are not associated with tuberculosis infection - injuries, various neoplasms;
  • Disorders of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Changes in the bone structure of the chest.

Preparing for the examination

When working with children, the main thing is to reassure and explain that during this procedure it is necessary to remain motionless in order to obtain clear and reliable images.

Among the contraindications to radiographs are:

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • severe heart pathology;
  • blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage.

At the Family Doctor clinic in Moscow we offer the following x-ray diagnostics for children:

  • X-ray of the skull (from 0 years)
  • X-rays of light
  • X-ray of the nasal bone, paranasal sinuses, temporomandibular joint (from 5 years old)
  • X-ray of the cervical spine (from 2 years), including with functional tests (from 5 years)
  • X-ray of the thoracic spine (from 3 years old)
  • X-ray of the lumbosacral spine, including with functional tests (from 3 years of age)
  • X-ray of the sacrum and coccyx (from 5 years), sacroiliac joints (from 7 years)
  • X-ray of the sternum, scapula, clavicle, ribs, sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints (from 5 years old)
  • X-ray of the chest organs (from 3 years)
  • X-ray of the shoulder joint (from 1 year), humerus (from 0 years)
  • X-ray of the elbow joint, wrist joint, hand, fingers and forearm bones (from 0 years old)
  • X-ray of the hip joint, femur (from 0 years)
  • X-ray of the knee joint (from 0 years)
  • X-ray of the bones of the lower leg, ankle joint (from 0 years)
  • X-ray of the bones of the foot, toes (from 0 years)
  • X-ray of feet with weight-bearing (from 5 years)
  • X-ray of the calcaneus (from 5 years old)
  • Radiography of additional studies of the osteoarticular system (large bones and joints - from 0 years), (small bones and joints - from 5 years)
  • Survey radiography of the abdominal cavity (from 5 years old)

Any x-ray examination of children requires a referral from a physician. Children under 14 years of age are accepted accompanied by parents (other accompanying persons must be included in the information consent).


RadiologyList price, rub.Cost for the “Intimate Circle” program, rub.
Outpatient appointment (consultation, description of 1 type of study) with a radiologist (children)890from 668 >>
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more details


  • Take an x-ray of a child's lungs


The main contraindication for this procedure for children is the age of under 15 years and the weakened general condition of the child. A child endures even small doses of radiation much more severely than an adult. During the procedure in a closed apparatus, children suffering from claustrophobia may feel great discomfort.

How is the fluorography procedure performed at the Osnova Children clinic?

No special preparation is required to undergo this procedure. The whole process will take no more than five minutes. First of all, you need to remove all metal jewelry from the upper part of the body and expose yourself to the waist. After which the doctor will take the child to the fluorography machine and explain how to position himself there correctly. The basic rules are to raise your chin higher and press your shoulders against the plate of the device. And finally, the patient is asked to hold his breath for a few seconds and the image is ready. If necessary, at the Osnova Children clinic it is possible to conduct more in-depth studies - bronchoscopy, PCR diagnostics, diaskintest, which will make it possible to more accurately establish diagnostics.

To do or not to do fluorography - the choice always remains with the parents; only they are responsible for the health of their child. But adults simply need to be vigilant and avoid a condition where a whole range of medical examinations will be required in order to establish the correct diagnosis. Use an integrated approach to treat even the most harmless illness; timely consultation with a doctor will help you cope with any illness quickly and without complications.

For private clients

We issue certificates to the university using form 086/U. Official, fast, no queues!

Certificate in form 086/U is a medical document that is issued to applicants to higher and secondary educational institutions. The certificate contains information about the applicant’s state of health, vaccinations performed and possible past illnesses. In other words, this is an official medical report that confirms the ability to study and work in the chosen specialty.

Other names: certificate 086, certificate for admission, educational certificate, certificate for students, certificate for applicants, certificate for study, certificate for employment, certificate for employment.

Who will need certificate 086/U and in what cases?

Most often, the document is required for applicants and applicants in the following cases:

  • upon admission to a university, college, vocational school or technical school
  • upon admission to sports schools
  • upon check-in to the hostel
  • when applying for employment in some companies and state-owned enterprises.

What is the validity period of the document?

Medical certificate form 086/U is valid for 6 months from the date of receipt.

How long will it take to obtain a certificate from the university?

The conclusion is issued based on the results of a medical examination. The appointment with all specialists takes about 30 minutes. The certificate is issued immediately if you have your test results and fluorography. If FLG and analyzes are carried out at our place, the document is ready within 2 working days.

List of doctors and examinations to obtain a certificate?

A certificate for admission requires passing a mandatory minimum of medical specialists:

  • Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Neurologist
  • Ophthalmologist
  • Surgeon
  • Therapist.

Necessary tests and examinations:

  • Clinical blood test
  • Clinical urine analysis
  • Electrocardiography
  • Fluorography.

In some cases, additional examinations may be prescribed if such in-depth diagnostics are required by the selected educational institution. In particular, this may include an examination by a psychiatrist, narcologist, gynecologist, etc. The opinions of additional specialists are attached to the certificate form.

What documents are required to obtain a certificate from a university?

In our centers, only a passport is required to obtain a certificate. Take with you, if available, a fluorographic photograph (not older than 12 months) and a vaccination certificate.

If you have a disability, it is recommended to provide an IRP (individual rehabilitation program).

Where and when can I apply for the service?

Issue of certificate 086/U is possible in all medical institutions. Our medical centers are open in 8 districts of St. Petersburg and work seven days a week. You can see the exact operating hours of the centers and their addresses on the “Contacts” page.

How much does it cost to obtain a certificate from a university?

The cost of document preparation according to the general form is 2,400 rubles. if you have a FLG image (can be done with us, cost – 500 rubles). If examination by additional specialists is required, the cost of each of them will be 200 rubles.

Why should you contact us?

Officially , our centers have all the necessary licenses for this type of service. All completed documents are certified by the seal and signature of the chief physician and registered in the electronic database. This guarantees their authenticity and the ability to quickly recover in case of loss. Fast - the entire scope of the medical examination and the issuance of a certificate takes on average 30 minutes, does not require a repeated application or visit to additional organizations. Convenient - our clinics are open in 8 districts of St. Petersburg and work seven days a week. Registration for the service is carried out by telephone and online applications, where you can choose a convenient time and the nearest branch. You can get a consultation or make an appointment by phone

Make an appointment >>>

What results does fluorography show in children?

Parents can receive a fluorogram in their hands, both printed and electronic, shortly after the examination. At Best Clinic, thanks to the use of modern technologies, there is no need to wait several hours for the film to be developed.

The image obtained during fluorography is significantly smaller than a classic radiograph, but an experienced radiologist, having examined it, may well suspect lung disease, as well as assess the general condition of the organs located in the chest. Possible “finds” of fluorography:

  • compacted, expanded roots of the lungs;
  • strengthening the pattern of the lungs;
  • foci (areas of lung tissue that differ from the general background);
  • calcifications;
  • changes in the size and shape of the mediastinum (the heart occupies its main part);
  • darkening in the pleural sinuses.

The listed radiological “findings” allow radiologists to suspect the following pathological conditions in a child:

  • tuberculosis;
  • foreign bodies in the respiratory and digestive organs;
  • tumor and cystic formations in the lungs;
  • pneumothorax;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • pleurisy;
  • advanced inflammatory processes of the respiratory system;
  • heart disease (by increasing the size of the organ's shadow).

With the conclusion of fluorography, you must contact the doctor who gave the child a referral for examination. However, the examination result is not sufficient to establish a final diagnosis. Therefore, if a radiologist detects any pathological changes on a fluorogram, the patient is advised to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, including radiography or computed tomography of the chest organs.

X-ray of lungs for children at the Osnova Children clinic

The Osnova Children clinic in St. Petersburg uses advanced digital equipment for X-rays of the lungs of children. Therefore, you can be sure that the child will not be harmed and the danger of radiation is minimal. The whole procedure takes about 5–10 minutes. An experienced specialist with experience working with children works. Individual parts of the child's body are protected from radiation using special lead fittings and an apron.

The office is cozy and comfortable, nothing disturbs the child’s peace of mind. It is also important that we use modern means to secure the child. The quality and accuracy of the image depends on how still and calm the child is. When conducting an X-ray examination of the lungs for very young children and even schoolchildren, parents may be present in the room.

Our laboratory technician will help position the child correctly so that the image is clear, but does not cause discomfort to the patient. It will free the child from disturbing clothes; you need to remove all metal objects.

The results are provided immediately; within 15–20 minutes after the x-ray you will have them in your hands. A snapshot, the result of the analysis in digital form (disk) and a description are issued. The radiologist will give a detailed explanation of the image.

At the Osnova Children clinic, you can immediately get advice and treatment from specialized specialists - a traumatologist, otolaryngologist, pediatrician.

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